The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



is now greater than theay ever have beene-it, will now be the In- tnrest of the British to Urge on the Savage's and O I greatly fear the Consequences will be dreadfull-I am also Extreamly Unhappy on our Sons account-least he should be taken on his Voyage and should this Unfortunately happen, your famaly here will be in a very Unpleasant Situation, in short we shall be holy Dependent on our friends, who Sertinly are very good and kind at present, but was I to be deprived of those Remittances you are Sending on, I know not what Change might take place, however I will not Anticipate so great a Misfortune, but Indeed my dear it gives me Inexpressable Uneasiness-I wrote you a long letter which I Expected to have sent by Major Penros<i, he being detained I sent it by post also a letter to Sister Peggy·-I gave up all hope of Seeing Sister Becca in tho City-and after waiting for hur two weeks-I went to Jersey where I meant to stay till Stephen arrived-but two days ago, Sister came up, and as soon as I got word of her arrival I Came to town, ancl had the pleasure to find hur in perty good health-if :my misfortune should befal our dr Son-I should go to Dellaware with hur and •run the Chance of my health-for I should fell better sattisfyd with a Sister in the Situation I should be placed in, than with any other person-I received a letter from Mr Whittlesey a few days past-he Informs me my dear little B [Brown Austin] is in good Health but that a· verry dangerous disease had raged with great violence in that part of the Country and that Mrs ,v- had been at deaths <lore with the fatal disorder-which was the cause of hur not answering my letter I wrote from N York-at the same time he beges me not to be alarmed on James [i. e., James Brown Austin] Account, that he is in perfect health, grows and improves verry fast, and that the fever is now Subsiding-Notwithsta.r.icling this I am very unhappy least our dear boy should be taken ill, was it in my power I think I would go on-but that is Imposably till I get money to bare my Expences--I have. many things to distress my mind my dear Husband, in short I shall not know what happyniss or Comfort is, till I am Restord to the Society of my Husband and famaly-which, may the god of all goodness, Speadily grant and in the Interam, may theay all be preserved in his holy keeping-I am spending the day with Mra Darah and withdrew from the Com- pany to write this hasty scrall, that it might go by the ]Hail to- morrow, I thought you ought to know that war was declard Sister Joines me in love to you and peggy-I am my dear Husband with every sentiment of love an·d•Anxiety your loveing vVife :Maria ·Austin.

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