The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE "AUSTIN PAPERS. 211 to labour for his much esteemed Emily ·and altho. the sweet [sweat] that moistens his temples are so many drops of delight when he con- templates that he labour for his Emily and her Mother-they will End, _and then 0, then, will you require all your Exertions to rise superior to the frowns of your situation be such as hundreds of Others are and which is many times the Iott of the most exalted to-day rich in the things of this life, to-morrow a beggar, ere this reaches you I trust you will have the satisfaction of seeing your brother who if nothing has detained him must be in the City of New York or Philadelphia this event will hasten the time of your return to Louisiana and altho. I shall be much pleased & Delighted to again see my Emily, yet when I reflect on the Change into the Country it greaves me that my situation detains me in this Country, It must be so, and she must Submit-I did hope that the establishing the charter at Washington would have made such a change in my situation that my stay in this Country would be short, but like all Other events in this vVorld, they have terminated differently a.nd I must submit to my disappointment. . . Your :Mother mentioned that your stay in Philadelphia would be short, return again to New York with Miss Hall to spend an Other quarter under her tuition. I am satisfied that my Emily should lay up a store of information, its Riches that cannot be taken from her, and should dame fortune turn her heel against you she cannot touch your store of Information It is a treasure no reverse of situation can cleprive you of-therefore drink deep at the fountain of knowledge. It prepares you to discharge the duties of a child, a friend and wife Accept my Dear Emily of the warm and affectionate esteem of your Father and be assured that nothing can give him so much satis- faction as to see his child return to his fond embrace- MosES AUSTIN [Rubric]


Phila,delphia, June the 21-1812 it tis with heart felt sorrow I take up my pen to Inform my dear Husband that, Wa1·, is Absolutely declared, the Express arrived from ,v ashington last Evening, and in a little time all will be in bnssef and Confusion-I have always dreaded a war so much, I could not allow myself to think their would be Declaration of it- but it tis two true-and my fears for m'y Dr friends in Louisianna 1 Mrs. Austin left Missouri in June, 1811, and was nbsent In Phlladelphin, Cnmllen, New York, and New Haven until 1813. Mrs. Emmett L. Perry bas In her possesslou twenty.five letters written by Mrs. Austin to her husband during this period. They b.&ve considerable value for phases of the soclnl history oC those cities.

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