The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 209 Claiborne County Abijah Hunt sold a Plantation near this place for 70 000-The General face of the Country :from Greenville and in the neighborhood of this place is hilly and the soil good-Ferryd the Bayou about 20 yds and stop 4 • 3 Miles further at the widow whites where one of the company having business we put up for the day-and were well accommodated • Feby 3 4 Started :from Mrs. Whites and went on to the Line to Mc- Ravens-the Country not quite so Hilly but soil very thin and Pine woods. Feby 4 Started from the line and made the first stand Os- burns before sunset 37 miles Pine woods pass. 4 some Indian Houses who had smnll farms this days travel very miserable to me as I was taken with a violent toothache and my horse got Lame in his fore foot. weather pleasant-pass. 4 5 Creeks and got tolerable fare at Osburns and started before day and went on to Bachcars to Break- fast, good-he is a white man who has been living with the indians about 20 years married a scaw ·[sic] •Pass. 4 the Agent Dinsmore other side of B- Passed number Indian Houses and a Bolo Alley this [is] a great Play with them and is similar to Red Bandy- Pass 4 an Indian H where Mourning Poles were up when an indian died his wives or relations put up a long Poll hung with hoops or wrethes of grape vine to which the :friends of the deceas. 4 cry. 4 or howl. 4 night and morning these Polls are kept up 5 or 6 months when they are burnt and the Relations end their mourning by burn- ing the Poles and getting Drunk and having a great frolic-went on to Nortons where we staid all night.· 40 miles·. no Fodder plenty of Corn, got but indifferent fair, had to sleep on the Floor and got up in the morning more fatigued than when I lay down, Started by day Light, and went 20 miles to an Indian Hut where we got a Kettle and made Coffee and fry. 4 Sausages &c for Breakfast Pass. 4 an Indian House where two Scaws were howling, crying over the grave of their husband-went on to Leflor's. Frenchman who married a sqaw. 42 miles got good fare for Horses but miserable for our selves. we here discover. 4 that Heydens mare got foundered at Nortons: started early and went to L. Leflor's where stop. 4 for Break[fastJ good fare for Man and Horse. Heydens swap. 4 his mare for a small spanish Poney which detain. 4 • us untill afternoon when we started and 7 Miles on Met the 'Troops under the command of Co 1 • Coffee encamp. 4 at :Mr Curtises--there is 666 of them went on 5 miles further to Mitchels where we stop. 4 and got very good Fare for selves and Horses-Poor Pine Country weather fine.

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