operation of heat-as well in the coal which was discharged as in a kind of Sinder which has been found in small quantities- [At this point the diary was abandoned. A somewhat bombastic oration, perhaps suggested by the Fourth of July, follows. Then come va.rious items of expense, too fragmentary for reproduction, for August, September, and October. These are followed by the itinerary of February [1813?], probably written on Austin's return from New Orleans.] •Feby. 1 Started from Natchez cross 4 • St. catherines Creek and came to '\Vashington 6 miles-about 60 Houses Built of wood in one street. Since the depretiation of Cotton the place has declin 4 it is the seat of government for the l\il. T. and for the county-The ·Country in the neighborhood is very hilly and the old improved £arms so much wash 4 and gull[i]ed as to be unfit for use- Horse Shoe·------------------------------------------------------- 4. Natchez Irvans------------~---------------------------------------- 4! Day . Feby 1 Greenville Braclfords________________________________________ 1. 37½ The gen 1 • Face of the country through out this part of the Ter 1 is uneven it being difficult to get a field of 20 Acres of Level Land. the soil notwithstanding is very good ancl produces well for a flew years until wash.cl away by the rain-Cotton Corn wheat &c--There are at '\Vashington a set of Barracks for Troops-6 '.Miles beyond we ·came to Salcres Town about 10 Houses miserable looking place, passd- on to Union Town 6 miles further about 12 Houses stop 11 • at the Tavern but on being told that neither Hay nor Fodder was to be got we push 4 on to Greenville 7 :Miles further making 25 miles from N. 3 Miles past Union we cross 4 • Coles Creek very bad ford quicksand-On left hand side pass 4 • the Plan- tation of Cato vVeston The Face of the.country continues the same and the settlement become more thin FebY· 2d Started from Mr Bradfords in G where we got well accom- modated and 5 miles on crossd the chubby Fork of Coles Creek very deep Ford and great danger getting mired in the quicksands stop 4 • 3 miles further at --- and took Breakfast-Greenville is the seat of justice for Jefferson County a.nd is a pleasant Little Town con- taining about 30 Houses this was formerly the property of Abijah Hunt whose estate is said to be worth after all his debts are paid about 500 000 Dolls 12 miles from Greenville we came to Port Gipson a small Town on the Bayou Peire containing about 60 Houses some very wel! Built and finished the Bayou is navigable for Flat Boats up to the place when the River is up and when Cotton was up a great deal of business was done here,-this will one day become a place of considerable importance it is now the seat of GovernL for
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