The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



for Mr .Masons its the house I staid at also your Mother and you and .Mr Bryan will nnde the best companey at his House always informe yourself pf the rules of the table and conform to them these little attention are absolutely Necessary, with out them you will be De- ficient in breeding, :Make you a small book and in it Keep an account of every transaction thnt takes place so that you may account for all the Expences of the Voynge this will be Necessary that you may settle with James Bryan on your return ,v-ith due attention you may have your account in such order as not to give you any trouble and as this is your first adventure be carefull how you manage it • Mr Dinwiddy will see you at Herculaneum with John Camp-I have sent him over but I shall now State to you the situation of Jn° Camp and what will be your and l\'Ir Bryans ~ituation when you arrive in the Territory of Orleans and have the business fully and freely in your power-to act as you think proper, sence you have left me I have understood that a Law in the Territory of Orleans pro- hibits negroes to be sold or to remain in the Territory unless the Seller of the Negro can give a Character of the negro favourable to his former Conduct, and it must be stated that he has not-been guilty of any crime what ever that has induced the Master to send liim into the low Country-this information has greatly deranged me. What to do with the fellow I cannot tell, and should you be brought into trouble with him after your arrival in the low country It will be a disgrace as well as a detention, and at last be under the necessaty of bringing him back again I am advised by Mr Heart by Doct :McGrady and Others not on any account to send him that you may be placed in a disagreeable situation and not unlikely much Injured I have however sent him by l\'Ir Dinwiddy and leave it intirely to yourself and Mr Bryan how to act in the business If you think proper to take him you will do-so, and make the most of him if not then in that case I have spoken to :Mr Dinwiddy and he has agreed to make John Beleive that he has bought him and so let him remain untiJI I can sell him Doct Mcgrady thinks that a Capt Waters will purchase him for Lead, he says that Waters is a man that has been in that way of business, and may be induced to take John Camp- as I understand he has Negroes to take to the Spanish Settlements on Red River however I leave the business entirely to you if you think proper to take him do so if not send him back with ~Ir Din- widdy and I will do the best I can with him, I am unwilling you should undertake any thiIJg that would Injure your reputation or embarres you in your Voyage-you are young and must be carefull how you injure your reputation should you take Jn°· and Cannot do better it will be best to leave him with Mr Ab Dunn-but the object is to turn him into Cotton-if you cannot obtain money-I have sent

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