The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



expdo. Ariero me pago una m 4 [media.] @ qne hnbo de mermnrrl Yva Yncluso en mi resivo - yeva este harriero dies y seis constales que yegaron a casa ( 1) N acog-· 19. de Mnrzo de 1812- y smno DELA GARZA [Rubric] S 0 r Alf--· D 0 • Juan Ant 0 • Padilla [Enclosure.] He recivido del Arriero Jose Mall Hernandez tres cargas de arina con numero de treinta, y seis @ en liquido, y pll· su costancia le doy este qe. firmo- Puerto delos Brazos 26 de Enero de 1812 BERNARDINO BENAVIDES [Rubric] Son 36@ [Enclosure.] Resivi del Cargador Jose maria ernandes una Carga de arma y por aquellos se lo firmo a 8 de febrero de 1812 J\ilANUEL DE Ano [Rubric]


Ja• Armstrong!

Action of Damage-Sum declared for by the

vs. pltf-Eight dollars-Summons Issued the 27 th of Moses Austin March returnable to the third of April 1s1z_...:..and wheteas on the said 3 4 day of April in the year aforesaid the pla.intiff having appeared in person and the Defendant by his agent Charles A Austin and being ready for trial after hearing the proofs on the part of the plaintiff find the sum of Six dollars Fifty Cents for Dam- ages for which Judgment is Enterd up against :Moses Austin de- fendant and one dollar ninety Two Cents for the costs of Suit April the 3d 1812--

BENJA JoHNSTON J[P] [Rubric] I Certify the above to be a Copy of a Judgment and Transcript of my record in the suit of J a.mes Armstrong against :Moses Austin Given under my Hand the third clay of April 1812 BENJA JOHNSTON Justice of the peace T. J. D. St Louis



Justices fees . 75 Const[ab]le fees 1.17 $8.42


Durham Hall April 28 1812

MY DEAR SoN I had much to say to you before you left me but the fullness of my heart and mind drove all most Every thing from my thoughts bnt

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