THE A US TIN PAPERS. 13 Austins terms. I shall be glad to hear from you as often as pos-• sible; that I may know how you get on Trro 11 • RusTON [Addressed:] :Mr Joseph Burr at the Lead Mines Austinville Vir- gm1a
THOMAS RusTON ;ro l\fosEs AusTIN. 1
Philad•· Nov. 14 th
: 1794.'
. . I rec 4 your letter, by Tho 1 Jackson, of Oct 6 th :, with the sample of Copperas, which I have tried, and find it to strike a black color; but you are misled, by the sound of a name, in infering that it con- tains Copper, for Copperas is not pr9cluced from Copper, but from Iron, and its striking a black colour is a proof of this. Copper ip,deed produces what is called blue vitriol, but by no means green vitriol, or Copperas. I wish you and }\fr. Burr to examine, about the place, where this Copperas is found, whether there are not some appearances of Iron Ore, which is a valuable article but perhaps not so valuable as Copper, and whether there is any l',f ill Seat near it-- I wrote, in answer to your former letter, by t:he way of Richmond, a few days before I recd .this letter by Jackson, and desired l\fr Norwell to forward it by express. In that letter I agreed to let :Mr. Gains have 10,000 acres for every hundred thousand acres of good land he should sm·vey for me, as far as threehundred thousand acres, and to alow him s_ix pense an acre for his share, to be paid out of the sales of the land, and to pay all expences, and to alow you one third, • inclusive of 1\fr Gaines share, and to pay you for your share at the same price, and in the same manner, upon these terms you may pro- ceed to m~ke the surveys THo• RusTON [Addressed]: }\fr. 1\1oses Austin Austinville Lead Mines Virginia- pr Tho• Jackson
[Copy by Moses Aus~n.] Agreement indented made and concluded .upon this sixteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety five Between Stephen and :M Austin of vVythe County State of Virginia Merchants of the one part and John D Blanchard and
1 Original in posses,1lon ot Mrs. Emmett L. Perr,.
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