The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



110 more. besides, in all the lands I have taken up in Pennsylvnnia, which have amounted to many hundred Thousand Acres, I have never been asked by the discoverers for more than ·a third, some times a fourth, sometimes a. fifth, and it is always the business of the discoverers (in which capacity you and Mr Gnes [Gains~] are to be ,considered) to attend and to superintend the surveys. This third the discoverers divide betwixt themselves in such manner as they can agree, and as they think proper. In a former letter you hinted, that you thought it would be more agreeable to the Surveyor to have a compensntion in money, to this I shall have no objection if we can agree upon the sum, and I shall have no objection to do the same thing with you if it is agreeable. I have accepted your draft for five hundred Dollars towards paying for the Kentucky vVarrants as you desire. As soon as the Surveyor has made out the returns Mr. Burr will proceed with them to Richmond in order to obtain the Patents. N. B. :Mr Norwell has not brot· the deed either from Lynchburgh or from Richmoncl- Tuos· RUSTON Take care you do not buy more Warrants than you can find land for. Point out to ~Ir Burr those tracts in the neighbourhood that are to be disposed of, in order that he may be able to give me some account of them, and send me the lowest prices and the longest terms of pay- ment which the owners-will be willing to take- RusTON TO JosEPH Bunn

Philad 11

• Nov: 2d : 1794

Sm I received your letter of Oct: 13 th • and have wrote to Mr Austin desiring him to conclude an agreement for me, with :Mr Gains alow- ing him sixpence per Acre for his proportion, at the rate of Ten Thousand Acres for every hundred Thousand Acres he surveys and returns, provided it is of such a quality as meets your approbation. Thus if he returns three Hundred Thousand Acres, he will be en- titled to Thirty thousand Acres, for which I shall alow him six- pence an Acre out of the sales, if he returns more it will be so much the better for Mr :Moses Austin, as he is to be entitled to one third inclusive of :Mr Gains share.- I rely on your care in seeing that the best land is picked out, and the refuse rejected, and hope there will be no further delay as I have come both into ]),fr Gains and Mr

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