Mine Au Burton febY 14 th 1811
STEPHEN A U&'TIN Sir plese to send by the bearer Nase Duglas one dollar twelve and half cents and oblige yours GEORGE ENGLISH J. w. COOPER TO S'l'EPHEN F. AUSTIN Mr STEPHEN F AUSTIN Sir please send one quart of Whiskey nnd oblige J ,v COOPER [Rubric] Scufflentown FebY 24 th 1811 ISAAC BAKER TO STEPHEN F. AUSTIN Eliz--a ! partner of my every thought! why is thy lovely form e'er flitting in my view 1 Yes the cause I fain must ken-I have seen thee in the days of thy youth arrayd in charms divine-. thy form thy visage sunk deep into my mind-and fondly does my soul cherish each vestnge that mem'ry can retain.- Cane Hill near Fort Adams MT [Mississippi Territory] Febry 25 th 1811 MY DEAR FnmND STEPHEN, . Your friendly letter of the 12 th ult. I had the good luck of getting into my clutches about two hours since and must answer it by ·the morrow morning's mail. From your long silence I began to con- clude you had forgotten the poor lank jawed poet. You must not be surprised at the manner I commence my letter as it is your injunc- tion to begin and finish with E--a This I do most cheerfully both because I feel a pleasing thrill agitate my frame at the sound or sight of the name but more pm·tic:ularly because it is the request of one I esteem. I left Lexington on the 9 th of October and after a pleasa:ri't jour- ney I arrived at this place on the 30 th of the same month and had the pleasure of finding may parents brothers and sisters in good health and happy to see my ugly visage once more. I took Russellville 1n my route and had the satisfaction of a few hours confab with Quack· and Quaker. Quack is studying law and says he has forgotten her. Quaker has turned merchant I detained a few days at Nashville for company and there had the pleasure of seeing the :Miss Kerrs·-• While ut Nashville the weather was indescribably fine and _one day
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