The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



M ... Stephe-n Fuller Aust-i-n P. S. The professors in good health-The ·students in number Sixty two-, McCalla· Smith and Lee will Push for degrees at the close of this session-Your female acquaintances are all in good health and desire to let -little Stephen be told so- 1Vm Butler core- sponds with me.. He was well a fe,v days since. He will be here in a few days and go to University the rest of fhe session. J. Bickley i1: at home reading history nnd soon will commence the study of Law Shannon started to Philadelphia· the 12th ult TOUCH OF 'l'HE TIMES Dr. J. ,v. takes the the bush a door below your old place of residence. Dr. McCollough as usual. Charles Morton and Miss llright will be married the 5th inst· Mrs. Beck is still crazed :Miss ·E Price will go to Washington City in November with 1'-'Irs Clay n~d return in March. A •certain Miss Edminton niece of ~1ajor Mor~is~n is reigning beauty. Miss M. Parker has returned. • Mr•. Pope •introduced many new fashions etc. The Singing School f?cholars who· remain here appear reorganized and we frequently take airings of an evening. You are expected back next fall. I expect I will live in New Orleans next winter and Study french and Law. In the Spring I will return to this place via New York and Philadelphia and complete the study of law here. In the Spring of 1812 I expect to get married descend the river and settle-some where in the Orlans or Mississippi Territories etc. All this I intend doing if [I] live and any young lady will be so good as to enter into a matrimonial partnership with me. I hope to find such a one in your parts next fall. Mr. Bradfords and Genl. Russells families well likewise Mrs. Harts and all the Price's. .Maria is with us Big doings to be over on the 4th Father Cunningham is now preaching and it being Sabbath I have taken my time in writing so no more ISAAC BAKER I have quit Betsy for a few months [Addressed:] Mr Stephen . Fuller Austin St. Geneveive Upper Louisiana


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