ISAAC L. BAIUJR TO STEPHEN F.· AUSTIN Isaac Lewis Baker residing in Lexington Kentucky to Stephen Fuller Austin of Upper Louisiana, health-
Transylvania University, July pt 1810
Whether it is your design to corospond with me or not I am not able to tell, but if you do not answer this letter shortly after you receive it I shall conclude you are for a non intercourse and act accordingly- From our intimacy during the tin:ie you staid here and being in- formed by the person who delivered you the letter that I wrote to you a few days previous to your leaving Lexington, I concluded I should hear from you as soon as the mail could come from St Geneveive. to this place after you got home-but how much have I been dis- appointed. Two months of posts have come and not a scrall from little Stephen. _This agitated my Irish Blood very much and I was about swearing I never would write to you when the other evening taking a small breezing towards "old Fowler's place" with a certain ioung lady who lives near the upper encl of the south side of the Courthouse or Public-Square-also another who lives one door or two or three from where·you formerly lived and several other lasses with some lads of the town, the two first mentioned told me I must write to you immediately and inform you of a certain affair which [they] think may militate to your disadvantage or I would be sunk in their esteem for ever and ever- The impressive and commanding manner in which they delivered this chilld all the "h·ish blood,,- in my veins So to oblige two young ladies whom I greatly esteem-and from other considerations I am induced to write to you and if the sequel holds out in proportion to the Introduction you will have a confounded long letter of it-- but now to tell the affair the ladies have told me of- Those ladies aforementioned tell me that our old comrade Butcher that Bloody minded soul is about to supplant you one mile from Lexington i. e. at the Lombardy poplar Nursery- They told me to tell you if you wished to save deal at that place you must make great exertions or you would be done over tailor' as the vulgar express it. I have ever since had a particular eye on his actions and from my own ob- servation and information received from Major John :McIntire an- other rival can safely assert that Butcher has been to see her every evening for one week past. Thus stands the affair. -Times are squally- If you cannot or will not repair to this place immedi- ately to support your claim recollect I am ~our sw?rn friend and if you ~ill send me a power of Attorney and mstructions how to act
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