United States Saline 1 1\1:arch 1810
Taylor Wilkins and Co
Bot of Jona.. Taylor and Co.
Amt. of Pipes nod Ketles on hand InYoice of Merchnnclize
$15, 350.00 2,800.00
$18, 150.00 Recd. from Anthony Butler four thousand five hundred and thirty seven Dollars 50 Cents being in full for his One fourth part of above JoNA. TAYLOR AND Co. By CnA WILKINS
Mr. JOHN BUTLER Sr: pay sixty days after date unto :Mr A Gallatan or Order two Hundred and Seventy Dollars, it being for value recvd of him this 2 day of March 1810 :MosEs A usT1N Saint Louis $270$ [Endorsements:] Mr Butler please to pay the within to T-he Barer Isaac L Morton and oblige Anm GALLATIN Herculaneum March 13. 1810 I will pay the with in order in the time mentioned. JOHN BUTLER Rec'd St Louis 30 th Octr 1810 of ·M. Austin, One hundred Dollars on the within-$100 Re 4 • on the w1thin Forty Doll ~nd _Forty cents JNo. SMITH Herculaneum April 22 nd I will pay the within Balance on demand in Lead at five dollars and fifty or Cash at Cash price 1\1 AUSTIN
Herculaneum 15 th March 1810-
Louisiana Territory
$1768 . For value received of Seth W Nye, I promise t9 pay Joseph Nye and Son or order Seventeen hundred and Sixty Eight dollars nt
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