Waggon l\Inkers Estimate. 1 Skillet_________________________________________________ 2 Grind Stones and Crank________________________________ 6 Gallons Tar @ 37 !------------------------------------- Water Drawers EstimRte 1 Bay Horse (Punch)------------------------------------ 1 G1·ay Do ______________________________________________ _ 1 Brown Do ( Jncksons) _________________________________ 1 Bay Horse (Doctrs) ------------------------------. _____ 1 Do Do (Rock)-------------------------------------- 1 • Do • Do " ----------------------- -----~--------- 1 Sorrel Do Bob_______________ •------- , _____ •_______. _•_ 1 Brown Do (Jack) -------------------------------------- 1 Bay Bnll Horse (Foy) _________________________________ 1 Bay Ball do blind right eye_____________________________ 1 do do (Snip)_~---------------------------------------- 1 Sorrel do (Charley) ____________________________________ 1 Chestnut ball face ________________________ ________ .'.. ___ _ l Black do Duke________________________________________ _ 1 Sorrel (Ball>------------------------------------------ 1 Sorrel Do (Charley>------~---------------------------- 1 Bay Do 1\Iaster Jack (not up)---------------~----------- 1 Do ( Sculler Dick) not up______________________________ _ 2 ~rules ____________________________ . ___________________ _ 38 Oxen p1·esent at $20 __________________________________ _ 7 Do. ab'-erit_ _______ .. __ _____ ------ ··-··-. -- -·----- - --·--· ___ _ 8 Setts Genrs Hnmmcrs, blankC'tS----------------------~-- Stock of Cnttle---~-------------------------------------- ½ Stock of Hogs_________________________________________ 2 Setts Grates_____________________________ ______________ ½ Coop~·s Tools____ 55, 25_________________________________
1.75 9.
2. 37; $891. 02 ½
$15. 15.
32. 40. 20. 20. 35. . 35. 25.
35. 35. 27. 60. 20. 15. 50. $20. 15. 120.
760. 100.
39.25 175.00 150.
73.6GJ 27.62
Whole nmot·------------------------------------------------ $3557. 73 Maj. Wltites ½ flogs _________________________________________________ _ Cattle___________________________________________________ ¼ Coopers tools---------------------------------------~-- Tln1ber____ ·--------------------------------------- -----· Bridge _____---------------------------------------•---•·-- $150. 500. 27.62 2:i0.0 • 200. 0
$1127.62 1127.G~
[Endorsed:] Invoice of vVaggon's Blacksmith's Toois Cattle Hog~ Etc. Etc. I n v o i c e M e r c h n n d i 7 . e _________ .____ ___ _______________________________ $2800. Pipes nnd l(ettles_______._________________________________________ 15360.
25067°-24--VOL 2, PT 1--.12
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