The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE A US TIN PAPERS. 165 nnd the term and Estate hereby granted and every Clnuse, and Sen- tence herein contained, shall cease determine, and be utterly void to all intents and purposes, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding-And the said Shaw hereby for himself, his heirs, Executors and Administrators and assigns [does] covenant and agree with the said Moses Austin his Executors, Administrators and Assigns that the said Shaw, his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns, shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Moses Austin his Executors, Administrators or Assigns the said sum of twelve hundred and forty five Dollars at such time and place as are herein before mentioned, and further that it shall and may be lawful for the said Moses Austin his Executors and Administrators and Assigns from time to time and at all times, from and after Default shall happen to be made in the said Sum of twelve hundred and forty five Dollars or any part thereof contrary to the form and effect of the aforesaid proviso and covenant of the same peaceably and quietly to enter into, have and hold occupy and possess and enjoy the said Messuages Buildings Hereditiments and Premises, arnl to receive and take [the] rent and Proffitts thereof for and During all the [time] which shall be thereto come and unexpired of the said term of one thousand Years ·without the lawful let suit or trouble denial, eviction or interruption by the said Shaw his Heirs Admin- istrators or Assigns, or of or by any other Person or Persons whom- soever,-And it is hereby declared nnd ngree'd by and between the said Parties to these Presents, that in the mean time and untill De- fault shall happen to be made of or in payment of the said sum of twelve hundred and forty five Dollars, contrary to the form and effect of the aforesaid Provision and Covenant for payment of the same it shall and may be lawful to nnd for the said Shaw and his Heirs peaceably and quietly to have hold and enjoy all and singular the said Messuages buildings Hereditaments and Premises, and to receive and take the Proffit thereof and of every part thereof to use for his and their use and Benefitt, without the lawful let suit, trouble or Interruption :from [the] said Moses Austin, his Executors Ad- ministrators or Assigns, or of any other person or Persons lawfully claiming or to claim from by or under him or them or any of them. In "\Vitness where of I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal at the time and Place before mentioned



CHA. A. AusTIN [Rubric]


Breton Township 31st Day of J anr 1 in the Yenr 1810 personally appeared before me a Justice of the peace in the Township aforesaid Darius Shaw and acknowledged the within Instrument signed with his Name and sealed with his seal to be his Act and deed. JAMES AusnN, J. P. . [Rubric]

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