The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



Austin of Breton '.fownship, St Genevieve District of the one Part and Darius Shaw of Sd· Township and District of the other Part- "\Vitnesseth, that for and in consideration of the Sum of one hun- dred Dollars to the Sd· Darius Shaw in hand paid by the said ~loses Austin at or before the ensealing and [del~very] of these Presents, the receipt whereof he [the said] Darius Shaw doth hereby acknowl- edge; he [the said] Darius Shaw hath granted, bargained, sold and dem[itted] and by these ·Presents doth bargain, sell, grant and Demitt unto the said Moses Austin his Executors Administrators and Assigns thei.e several Messuages, Tenements, Improvements etc. Situated in the Township of Breton, being the Same on which the said Darius Shaw now liYes, together with all Lands, tenements and improvement thereunto belonging including the Tan Yard of the Said Shaw with all the building and Appurtenances which belong to said Tan Yard or in any wise connected therewith together there- with, all the right and share, belonging to the Said Shaw, of Leather either taken out and finished or lying in the Vats of said Tan Yard and the dry hides remaining on hand at said Yard-Also, the Said Shaws Stock of Cattle, Hogs, and Sheep-VIZ, one Yoak of Oxen, three Cows, one Yoak Steers four Years Old unbroke, One Bull four Yearling and two Heifers. Also nine Sheep and fifty head of Hogs-likewise the following Artic[les and] farming Utensils, one Plough one Harrow one Chain three Hoes, one Ax one Iron spade, and two Ox Yoaks--also of Kitchen Utensils one table two Iron Pots one Bake Oven one large Iron Kettle one frying pan six pewter plates six KniYes and forks and three tin pans. With all and singu- lar their Appurtenances and the Reversion and Reversions Remain- der and Remainders Rents Issues and profits thereof, to have and to hold the said Messuges, Tenements Buildings, Ground, Heredita- ments, and all and Singular others the Premises with their and every of their Appurtenances unto the said Moses Austin, his Execu- tors Administrators and Assigns from the Day next before the day of the Date hereof for and during the full time and term, and unto the full end and term of one thousand Years from thence next insu- ing and fully to be compleat and ended, yealding and p_aying there- for the rent [of one] Hundred Dollars therefor, on the first Day [of] JanrJ in every Year if the same be lawfully demanded, Provided al.ways and upon condition that if the said Shaw his Heirs Executors or Administrators, shall and do well and truly pay or Cause to be paid, unto the said Moses Austin his Executors, Administrators or Assigns at the Town ship of Breton and District of St Genevieve the full and just sum of twelve hundred and forty five Dollars Money of the United States upon the first day of Jan,.,. in the Year one thousand eight hundred and twelve ensuing the Date thereof with Lawful Interest untill paid then and in such case these Presents

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