The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 163 that his expectation in this, as in every other instance where he may place a confidence in your Engagements will be fully realised. For some weeks all intercourse with France has been impossible- but as the G1·and Expedition has now returned from the Scheidt- ! am in hopes that some opportunity of getting to Holland wiil offer in a few clays-if so, I shall certainly embrace it-but I shall write you again hefore I go.- This Letter I send to the care of Mr Bond under the Expectation that you will be at Boston and that he will hand it to you. . . . s :M: HUNT J\fosEs AusTIN Esq LEASE OF A HousE [Artic]les of agreement entered into [between] Mr [Mo]ses Austin on the one part and Timothy Phelps [on] the [other] Part witness- eth the said Austin agrees to let to [the sa] id [Phellps for the Term of one year, from the first day of January next, his House and Lot and the Building, thereon standing which he owns in St. GeneYieve, being the same Premises, which Horace Austin lately occupied- He also agrees, next Spring (as early as Possible) to have that Part of the Lot, around the House, inclosed with a Suitable Fence or Pickets. The Said Phelps agrees on his part to Pay Said Moses Austin, Two hundred Dollars for said Years rent, Payable every quarter in Cash or Lead- He also agrees to Pay the expence of making said Fence etc. as above mentioned and Pay a small Account. to Thomas Newberry, which is to apply in Payment of the first rent. Said Phelps also agrees to return the House in as good repair as he receives it, acts of God excepted- He also agrees, when Mr Austin is in St. Genevieve to accommodate him in the room, lately occupied by him, in company with such Person, who may be in Possession of it. also Stable room for his Horses while there. St Genevieve 26th Deer 1809 TnioTHY PHELPS [Rubric] [SEAL.] for ~foSES AUSTIN . H[onACE] AusTIN [Rubric] [SEAL.] Signed and Sealed in presence of THO OLIVER. DARIUS SHA w TO MOSES AUSTIN This Indenture made this twenty fourth Day of Jnnr 1 in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten between. Moses

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