The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 9 \~leather now is much more Agreeable- I wrote you a· few hasty lines some time ago- and mentioned J\ilr Pursel's Intention of Stoping up the little windows-the one in the passage is Still Open- but he informed :Mr. N. some time ago he meant to have it done on Monday- which is tomorrow Some of my friends tell me he had a write so to do. Others say he has not- I shall be happy to know your Opinion and if you think as I do we sh~ll soon have them Opened- present my respects to !vlr Frisby, tell him his little kitty was here on friday and is in perfect health- I hope my dear !vioses will devote some of his leisure hours in Scribbling to his Maria- you are Sensible of the happiness it will afford me to hear- what a length have I Extended this Letter. Indeed my fingers are really tired of holding the pen-· Adieu my deare Husband- may heaven guard you and Crown your Under- takings with the greatest Success- pray's your ever loveing and Affectionate, vVife till Death ~1AIUA AUSTIN.




George the third by the Grace of Goel· King of Great Britain France nnd Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc, etc., etc. Doth by these his Royal Letters·Patent Grant unto Josiah '\iV atts of the City of Bristol-l\1anufactorer on Consideration of --- sum in hand well and truely paid unto his l\1ajesties Collectors of the Revenues for Granting Patents to such ingenious Artists and discoverers of arts by their Invention in such Improvements as may now or hereafter be beneficial to these Realms for the special ('ncouragement of Arts Sciences and Commerce- for the space of fourteen Years to hold to himself his Heirs and administrators Solely . . . By these his l\1agesties Royal Letters patent in full authority. his nrt of making Globe Shot; now patented to him and his heirs only for the space of Fourteen Years as Wntts's patent Shot. l\fethod of l\faking Watts's Globe or Patent Shot Continued from his own specification perused and examin'd by Henry l\'.Iiller of Philadelphia on the 12 th • Day of_February 1789 in the Petty Bagg office Boles of the Chancery of England. Chancery Lane . Take·any quantity of pure pig Lead; and l\1elt down in Kettle first for the purpose as usual for Drop Shot 25067°-24--VOL 2, PT 1--2

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