The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 161 against it sence I snw you for my part the more I think about it the more sertain I nm of its being confermed I have not herd from Majr, Hunt sence he left New York for Paris but am in hopes he will make the purchase of the other half and think you will not Repent it Mr, Ficklin I here from every week or two he is in high Sperits about the Clames The Governor is friends of ours and is the very man I wish'd to be in that office I think he is disposed to do what is Right A few clays ago I had some com·ersation with a member of Con- gress he tells me that Barkus hns Bean on to the City of WashinJ?- ton and has mnde n statement to Congress of the number of fraudu- lent Clnmes that had bean layed before them by-You Know who and Congress appointed Roberson to investigate them before the Com. I told him the nature of our Clo.mes he snys there is no danger of them that Congress will conferm all clames that is not fraudulent. ,vith Mn- Bullocks Compl• with my own to your self and Mrs. Austin w BUI.LOCK • [Addressed:] l\{oses Esqr· Mine a Burton


Mons l\fosEs AUSTIN Je prie :Mr Ostin de Livrer pour mon Compte a Monsr· Domcan vingt Cinq de plomb en Grains que vous plaierez aux compte de Votre tres humble Servitenr Poon A. PARTENAY Louval [Rubric] Mines a Berton Le l 9 Aoust 1809 [Endorsed:] A Masons order


Mine A Burton Augt 24 1809


Please let l\fr Peter A Car have Ten dollars in Cash and

Charge the same to your friend and humble Servt For

MOSES AUSTIN CH• A Aus'l'IN [Rubric]

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