The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1




N° 149 Strand London-

July _31, 1809


Your favor of the 4 th of May was received this :Morning by the June Packet from N. York-I have only time to acknowledge its reciept by the Radius which sails tomorrow for New York-I have it not in my power to say any thing as to the prospect of executing your order-only that it shall be done if practicable-VVoolens, of a fine quality-are high-other articles at usual prices- Tomorrow evening I shall go to Yorkshire and on return, which will be in a few days, I shall wPite yon again and hope to be able to advise you satisfactorily- 1 I shall Embark for France as soon as any opportunity slrnll pre- sent-the sailing of the G1·and Ewpedition has suspended all inter- course with the Continent for some time past-but I nm in hopes it will soon be restored again-I shall be obliged to go by the way of Holland- The public papers will giYe you all the news afloat in this Country To them I refer you-not haveing time to say any thing on the sub- ject of Politics.- • • I have not heard a word from my friend Mr Bond since I le-ft New Hampshire-I most sincerely hope that your arrangement with him will prove mutually beneficial-Success to all your Enterprises and laudable speculations, is the wish of my heart- I am happy to hear that Austin and Charles Elliott.have returned home-I hope that all things have been explained to your satisfaction and that of DocL and Mn, Elliott-to whom, as to Mrs. Austin, family and all friends I pray you to present me most Respectfully-· and I beg you to be assured of my friendship and esteem SETH HuNT •• Moses Austin Esq St Genevieve Louisiana United States pr RadiWJ


Shelbyville [Kentucky] 1 at Agst_, 1809

DR Sm Your favour by your son he han'd me as he passed through this place he has sence wrote me that he was dissopointed in Recieveing some money from Hart, but expected to send me the $20 in a few weeks- You appear to be very doubtfnJl of the Rennnt Clame withoute giving any Reson for it have you herd any thing that would make

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