THE 'AUS TIN PAPERS. 159 shnll hnve nn Oppertuniety to prove how much you have been em- posed on by base and unworthey men-and how much unmerited in- justice you have don MosEs AUSTIN N B I shaJl wait your determenation a proper time, and as Mr Maxwell tells me you gave your letter unsealed (If I hear nothing from you) , I shall feel myself at liberty to make both your letter· and my answer public MA [Endorsed:] Copy letter in answer to letter under date 29 June 1809 recd from John Smith •
Lexington, July 18 th
, 1809.
]tfr. MosEs AusTIN,
mine a Burton, Louisiana.
Sm, Your favor of 20 th ultimo was received by your son, on the 15 th instant. On the same day, we received from our friends in Ne-w York, your d'fts on Messrs. Bellows and Cochran of Boston, undet acceptance. . Conformably to your instructions, we endeavoured to exchangb them with our Banks, for post notes; but failed. Their principal objection appears to be, to the long sight at which they are drawn. We shall hold them untill this objection is removed~ and (unless in the interim, otherwise instructed,) then make another attempt, in which we are not without hopes of success. The result, whether. propitious, o.r the contrary, shall be forthwjth communicn.tecl to you. We are not informed what part of your lead [undecipherable abbreviation] has been sold in New Orleans. So soon as we receive Mesr•· Hart Bartlet and Cox's assales [ sio], we shn.11 be enabled to ascertain whether there will be any balance in your favor, or not. Should there be any thing due you, it shall be paid over to your son, as your request, and we will cheerfully afford him any aid in our power, ·in the settlement [of] your business here, we will also with pleasure furnish what supplies he. may need, during his stay .in Lexin~on,
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