THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 157 draw for at this time nnd in short untill the fate of my Draft are know[n] I shall [not] Draw nor, do I expect to Draw a Dollar on the Bills untill that information is recd-this Determination I have taken for two reasons first because I can make the first Shipment without the ade of the amount Drawn for secondly because the Bank in Lexington will not discount Bills at 120 Days unless at a discount of 2½ p'. Cent- therefore I have submitted to a delay rather than to .submit to a Discount my. Draft are of two thousand Each, Drawn @ 120 and 135, Days- I have this day Written M• Bond on this Subject and I trust common Interest will induce each party concerned in this transaction to act with Honor and faithfully execute the several engagements- assumed to each I have to complain of great delay in receipt of my friend Hunt~ letters in consequence of the mal arrangment of the Post office establishment in the quarter its but a few days since I recd Maj Hunt letters did not reach me until a day or Day past- [MosEs AusTIN.]
Mine a Burton July 1st 1809
sr Your Jetter under date of the 29 Ult~, was handed me this day by .Mr. .Maxwell. an inexpressible desire to develope the authors of the reports and tales so often told you of my conduct towards you, would alone-induce me to answer your letter. suffer me to call your attention for a moment to past events, and ask what proof you have to substantiate the many reports which have been wit~ much art ~nd industry circulated to keep alive the misunderstanding, which has so long-existed between us. suffer me also to say that If you will but make an investigation of the origin of the malicious reports of which you complain, that I am confident you will then be satesfied how much you have injured me in your beliefs respecting my General Conduct towards you. that I have been exasperated in a high degree in consiquence of the mnney abusive denunciattions coming. from your mouth-cannot be denied, but I am now and at all time have been ready and willing nny desirous that an investigation should take place and that every act of mine should be sifted and minutely scrutinized-touching the subject matter of dispute between us-and should it be found that I have maliciously attempted you wrong Either iri Character or· property-then it will become my duty-to make reparation but not otherwise, What act of mine has drawn from you the letter now before me I cannot divine, for two weeks past-I
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