The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



in New Yord for Acceptance. 1Vhen the Credit of my Drafts are established I shall Never hereafter meet with difficulty-from my friend Hunts letters I had good reason to expect letters from you respecting this business, giving directions to whom the Lead sh~uld be ship.d whether to New.York or Boston I shall make the first shipment to the Care of :Mess Hart Barton and Cox New Orleans- Subject to be forward'd either to New York or Boston as you shall order with information in time to have Insurance made in either place as the case may be-but the risque from this to New Orleans can not be cover'd as an office of Insur- an[ce] doth not Exist in this Country- I trust you have a full understanding of this buseness in as much as my friend Hunt States in his letters to me, that it is to be don on the same conditions I stated to him in my letter from Lexington Shelbyvill and Lewisvill that is the shipments are to be made on joint account and risque both as it respects Profit and Loss- Its my Wish that this transaction may be so managed that you will finde it Your Interest to continue Shipments from this coun- try. It will be my Interest to conduct the business in such a way as to confirm not destroy the good opinion and confidenc my friend Hunt has in me, with expectations of information from you on this Subject and your directions to whom the Shipment will be made either in N York or Boston I shall prepare and make a Shipment to New Orleans You will be so good as to Write Mess Hart Barton and Cox New Orleans ordering to whom the shipment from that place will be made I shall always make my shipments to Mess Hart Barton and Cox in the name and for the account of John G Bond Boston- John G Bond esq Keen N Hampshire Saint Genevve May 3 1809 [MOSES AUSTIN.]

MosEs 4-usnN TO BELLOWS & CocnRAN

Saint Genevieve May-3, 1809

GENTL [Bellows & Cochran] in consequence of an Arrangement made and concluded by my friend Seth Hunt on My account [with] Mr John G Bond Esq and also a Copy of your letter to Mess. Hart Barton and Hart Lexing- ton-inclos'd to me by my friend Maj. Hunt- I have made arrange- ments to carry the contemplated business into immediate execution I have therefore this day Draw[n] on you in favor of ifessr Hart Barton and Hart for four thousand Which is the Amount I shalJ

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