THE • A USTIN PAPERS. 155 I know that Bills on New York and Philadelphia have sold in Lexington at an advance of from lp to 2 pre If the arrangements I have mentioned should be faithfully executed I think great and mutual advantage will result from this business- my object is to carry it into immediate Execution and al? soon as you can obtain information how they are rec'd you will- give me information. • :Money in this County is of Great consequence and I may say greater than in any I have been acquainted With there being no such thing as accomodations in the money Way- in consequence of which :Money is of high Value-. I Wrote you yesterday respecting the lead at the :Mouth of the Ohio- I can engage a Boat to take it on board on condition it is not taken away before she arrives- I again mention that to have deliver'd the Lead at the mouth of the Ohio, by the first day of :March was rendered out of the question from the State of the season, I therefore hope and trust you will not attach blame to me on that account. It is always my "\Vish to execute my engagement prompt [ly] and with good faith. and in this light I wish you to consider my intentions in this transaction the Barge the took the Lead to the Ohio could not take on board the full amount that is the 40 thousand- trusting that you Will be so gooci as to give me immediate information as to the fate of my draft and what accomodation you can make for me in Lexington and on what terms you will receive them • [MOSES AUSTIN.]
MosEs AusTIN To JoHN G. BoND
!\,fr JOHN G Bo ND a few days past I rec'd. letters from my friend Seth Hunt. State- ing the substance of an arrangement he had made with you for the shipment of Lead from this-Country to either Philadelphia-New York or Boston as the market shall from time to time answer. It was my Expectation to have rec'd authority to draw on N York however I trust I can so arrange the business that Drafts on Boston will answer but. with this deference that I must Suffer a Delay ul).till information of the Acceptanc of the Drafts are Known ip lexington the disadvantages resulting from the Bills being drawn on Boston I trust will only be felt in the commencement of this business- Its a great object to have Cash on hand to make the purchase but as I have it in my Power to make a Shipment from my own funds I shall do so rather than sell our Draft at a Discount, the Bank in Lexington will not take Drafts at 120 Days except at 2½ or 3 p'c this loss I shall prevent by forwarding my Drafts on to :Mess. Hart Barton and Hart Lexington and by them to be forwarded to £rends
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