ment makes the man and creates confidence, at my time of° life I ought to Know this truth-believing as I do that an Accomodation between England and America will take place I have enclos'd to Genl Baley to be forward'd to you covering an Order for such goods ns I have Suppos'd safe to Order at this time. I have thought it adviseable to ·have them ship'd to New York rather than Orleans as I shall be in New York about the time they may arrive suppose you make the ·arrangement and the communication is open be- tween Englund and the V. S. You will therefore ship them to the care of Archibald Austin New York- I shall take care to,have provision made to secure the duties-You will remember to have insurance made in London- I have not time now to say more as •the :n;i.ail is about to close I shall ,vrite you and. communicate such 'things as may immediately touch our Interest You will I trust write me from both England and france Austin and Charles Elliott returned home this day all friends are well except Mrs. Penniman who is no more-· M AUSTIN [Endorsed:] Copy of Letters to Mess Hunt H B and H Bellows & Cochran and J. G Bond etc
Mine a Burton May 3, 1809
Mess HART BAnTON AND HART [Lexington, Ky.] GENTL I have ec:los'd to you Drafts on the House of Mess. Bellows and Cochran Boston for five thousand Dollars-- "'hich Drafts I request you to forward on to your friends in New York- to be by them forwarded on to Boston for acceptance and ,vhen accepted to have them discounted in New York if such a thing can be· done ·,vhich I make not a doubt provided the House in Boston is .of sufficient standing to justify such a confidence in them. It is my Wish that this money may· be plac'd to your Ct in New York ·and that you accomodate me with the amount in Lexington " 7 hich ·If the Bills are found good may be of no small advantage the objert of this establishment is fai' the shipment of large quantities of Lead to Boston and I shall want a friend in Orleans to receive and [for- ward] shipments of Lead from that place either to Boston or New York as may best answer the objects of this Establishment it is in- tended to extend the business of shipping Lead from this Country whe~efore it becomes our object to know on What terms your House -in Orleans wiil i·eceive and forward Lead for the account of Myself and friends •
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