The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1




Keene [N. H.] May 1, 1809.

.MosEs AusTIN. Esqr. . DEAR Sm:.

I expect, long before this you have red a line written by our friend S. Hunt Esqr datd Jany. 30 1809 informing you of having forwarded to .Mess'" Barton and Worts, Mess. Bellows and Cochran letter of Credit. As no bills have yet been presented for acceptance to Mess .Be1lows and Cochran I have thot it pos- sible ]\,fr Hunts letter [has not reached] you. However by applying to Messrs Barton and vVorts you will find I have made arrange- ments for you to draw on My friends Messrs Bellows and Cochran for 7000 Dollars in dr:;tfts, not exceeding 3000 dols each. As yet I have not learnt what kincl of Lead will answer best at our 1"-li\r- ket-therefore you will be governed by your own judgment until I write you again on the subject I expect you will write me and enclose an instrument binding yourself, that I shall receive One half of the nett proceeds of the Lead business in the consideration of having furnished funds for you to draw for in prosecuting [the] business. I like your arrangement much and I believe with you that if this business is rightly managed we can make [some money] for ourselves-· [You .will not forget] always to ensure the lead before it starts from St. Genevieve. JN° G BoN.q :MosES AUSTIN Esqr St. Genevieve, Louisiana.


[May 3,·1809J

MY DEAR _FRIEND [Seth Hunt] Your several letters, both from Keene and Washington City have arrived by "\\'hen I tell you they all came by the same mail and that not untill Two days past you•will say that the old evil exists in the Post office establishment. I have this day "\-Vritten your friend John G. Bond esq-also Mess. Bellows and Cochran Boston. and have.taken steps to place myself in cash ·but I shall make the first shipment from my own funds-not being able to put my Bills into Cash in time-I hope and trust I Shall give you no cause to change your good Opinion of me, as to abstract speculations I have not an intention to make _any, Herculaneum will call so much Qf my _.Attention as 1-Vill answer my lnte1·est and not any further- .its situation will make .it rise, I thank you for advice I am never above taking it from a friend I am fully of your opinion that a faithfull execution of contracts and a prompt discha1,ge of 25067°-24--voL 2, PT 1--11

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