The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 151 of Feb 7 -1808-and I do by these presents acknowledge this memo- randum to be a part of the original agreementr- In witness to which I have hereunto sett my hand and Seal this twenty fl.ft day of July 1808- [Endorsed :] Copy Letter and agreement to Seth Hunt July 25: 1808 N. Y 01·lc


Mr- Austin

To Alexander Frazer Dr. 1807 Dec•· 2otb To one dozen tea spoons.·-·······-··················· $12. 27 " engraving ditto ---·····-··-·-············-··-·· L " repairing Watch· ··-·· ························...:.. 2. " Watch chain (p'· Son>·············-·······-····--· . 50 " mending dividers ··········-·.:.••••••••--··-'-·•·· 0. 25 1808 Nov"· 27u• Soup Spoon._········-·······---··············-·-·- 11. 87


Mr-Austin Cr. By old silver•••••·-·······-··---·········· • ·-················


Ballance ·····-··-·············-·······-····-······-··~·-· $19.83½ Recd payment • ALEx.r FRA.ZBR


Mine a Burton 27th 1808.


Colo. 1,fathews having determined to visit Saint Louis, af- fords an opportunity for me to tender my congratulatiens on the safe arrival of Gov. Lew1s in this territory, believing as I do that his ar- rival will be to you no small gratification, in as much, as you will be releaved from much of the responsibility heretofore attached to your office. Colo 1,,'Iathews deeply feels the outrages lately committed on his property and the insults offered his person, and depends much on you to see him remunerated for his losses. I have expressed to Messrs. Mathews and Hart my belief that they would find in you a firm advoC'nte, and that Gov. Lewis would doubtless take prompt and efficient measure to attain them redress, I cannnot but express my hope that our Gov. will deliberately investigate the wrongs they have suffered from the agents of Smith and Brown, o.nd cause restitution to be made them; suffer me also to add that no act of violence within my knowledge equals the one committed on those

• 1 From Frederick Bntes collection, Missouri Hlstorlcnl Society. Kh1.dneaa of Mlsi1 Stello. M. Drumm, llbro.rlo.n•.

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