The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1




July 25 [1808]

DEAR SR Your favour under date June 6 from New Orleans came to hand two days sence ~nd I loose no time in Answering it I have examined the contract in my hands for the Shipment of Merchandise from England and find it thus express'd "the following premiums and commissions as a. compensation for his time trouble risque of losses and personal Expences that may be hazard'd or incured in making such purchases and guaranteeing the payment thereof, that is to say he the said Auitin will allow and pay to the said Hunt-Two and half pr Cent Commi5.5ion on all goods Wares etc that may be pur- chased and shiped by him on account of the said Austin with five pr cent for his guaranteing the payment therefor and five pr-Cent-- more thereon in lieu of any interest or concern whatever in the business in a.merica ,,_ Notwithstanding the defects in the contract spoken of by you do not exist tn. the one in my hands yet to remove all doubt I have annexed an Article to this letter Which will I trust satisfy you and snch is the situation of our Post Office-Arrangement that I shall send Duplicates in due time to meet you in New York~irected to the c~re of your friend Gen Baily-I have nothing of moment to relate at this time things stand as When you left us- M. AUSTIN [Enclosure.] Knew all men by these presents that where as Seth Hunt Esqr lately of the district of Saint Genevieve and Moses Austin of the Township of Breton did enter into an agreement under date of [undecipherable] day of Feby 1808 respecting shipment of goods Wares and Merchandize from Europe to Louisiana for the account and risque of the said Austin as therein stipulated and ~ 7 here as said Agreement is intended to secure to him the said Hunt com- pensation-in all to Twelve and half pr cent on all Purchases he shall make and ship to him the said Austin conformable to said Agreement • Now should the agreement in the hands of the said Hunt, be so expres~ed as not to secure to him Two and half per ·cent on pur- chases mad and five pr cent for garentee of said purchase also five pr cent more on said purchase in leu of any Interest in the business-in America in all Twelve and half pr cent Be it known and remem- bered i:m. such case that I do- agree and delair that I will allow to him the, said Seth Hunt Twelve and half pr cent on all the purchais and shipments he shall make under said agreement o:f the 17 day

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