[l\fav 20. 1808.l
Intrest a/c
:Moses Austin to George Fisher Dr. 'l'o Intrest on 1394$ 53 Due in l\Iay 1801 4 Years________________:_____ 334. 68 To Do on 150$ Price's Note 4 Do_______________________ 36. o To Do . on 84$ 35 Cariaclge Lead 5 do______________________ 22. 64 To Do on 40 Dollars Gotten 4 do__________• ____________ 9. 60 To Do on 53$ Daviss Debt 4 do_______________________ 12. 72
C'. B~· Intrest on 377$ 4 Years____________________________________.___ $90. 48 By do on 254~60 2 Years and 6"' 0 --------------------------:----- 53. 42 By do on 76____ 2 do________________________________________ 16.44
171.74 Balance Due Doct. George Fisher__:_________________________________ • ·243. 74
$415. &1
New Orleans, July 20th, 1808
DEAR Sm, · It has not been in my power to procure for you the articles thnt you requested-they could have been obtained had I been authorised to have drawn on Ch•. Carr at six months-but nothing could be <lone, to pay in N Orleans at nine months-the shortest time at which you authorised me to engage for you,.! regret all this, as you may in consequence be much disappointed..- • Inclosed is the memorandum of M•. Meriault.s acct., handed me by Capt. Sten;ett, which it was my intention to have inclosed to you in my letter of Saturday.- Tomorrow :Morning I sail in the ship Orleans for Philadelphia I shall write you from thence, immediately after my arrival. I have nothing to add to my former observations-but to request that you will keep me regularly _and fully informed on all the sub- jects in which I am interested in Louisiana-Pray what has become of Smiths suit against me~ \ . Compliments to all our friends-and accept for yourself the re- newed assurance of my high Esteem and personal attachment- SETH HUNT. MosEs AUSTIN EsQ--,
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