The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 143 such thing as getting a servant of that kind in Louisiana if I should purchase, I shall take your Shott and give orders for mine to be delivered to you, when arrived here-as yet I can find no market for Shott or Lead-I am told there is no difficulty in getting it carted to Lexington for 3/ pr· cw·-I shall send on your Lead by the first waggon, if any offers before I leave this-if not, I shall leave direc- tions with my Friend Gilley, to. forward··it·on, as well as the 2000 of shott when it arrives-I find the mail goes only once a week to Lexington, of course, I can't ·get a Letter from you after to lvfor- row-you will probably get another from me before I start-I or- der'd my Shott shipped to the care of Messr•. Bullets-I shall now give them directions to deliver them and what Letters, etc may come on to Mr· Gilley-who will advise you whenever they arrive-I pre- sume you will return this way, I wish you therefore to bring with you whatever Letters etc are for m~My best respects to Mn Austin and Mr· Carrs Family- T. PHELPS Amt. Frei:ht to Date________ 87. 82 Paid you-50 lead-28.7 " Dale-64.75 ----------- 114. 75 Balance ·due you__:___________ $10. 25 If you should Purchased any goods I wish you to- tarnish the following nrticle~ for me to sell on y•· a~t- 20 Bbls Whiskey 10 " Peach Brandy 20 p•· best Boots, black tops with a Tassel in front 40 p"· best Mens Shoes • 40 p"· womens Morrocco, Black, green, blue mostly black Cash-6~.15 _________________ 87. 82 • Rec 4 of Mr Gwathmey_______ 125 · • 8 • cut nail9- $200 worth of Crockery-great proportion Plates, Bowls and cups and saucers (mostly green edged plates and large sized cups and saucers-2 sizes only of Plates- $100 in Tinware Some Stone ware-- . any quantity of Country Linen and striped Cotton Cloth- one Ton of good Iron one Cask, each of 4 4 • 6 4 4 • and 10 4 NB. I am disappointed •in not.getting a letter :from you this Evening-as I can,t hear from now at this place no mail coming again, till next Saturday. - [Addressed:] !¥loses Austin Esquire Lexington Kentucky

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