142 Feby 15 April 18
By Cash ------------------------------------- " 1½ lb Nails-----------------· -------------------- " 3 11 White Lead _______________________________ _ 2 Bandanner Hdkfs______ @ 1$25 ________________ _ 2 ditto_____ l. 25_____________________________ By 1 Box Shott 114 lb Tare 7 lb. 107 @ l l ____________ _ " 1 KE:\gg d 0 320 11 10 '.' 310 " ll_____________ " 1 Kegg d 0 ----------~--w:- " 322 @ 11_____________ " 1 Box d 0 _________ • " 6 " 200 " 11_.:____________ '' 1 Bag d 0 __________________ 50 '' ------------- " 2 lb Nails and 1½ Quire paper____________________ '' 8 p•· Scantling_________________________________ 33 lb BeaYer furr______ @ 1$--------------------- 83 Racoon fox etc_______________________________ 76 lb Feathers_________________--- -------------- 142 11 hollow ware______ @ 12½ c. _______________ _ 11 1 Kegg 2 Boxes and one Bag for Shott____________ 11 Store Rent______________________________________ Order on James Austin for 1000 Shott_____________ 4 boxes for ditto--------------------------------
1.50 2.50 2.50
Novem 7 18 January 24
11. 77 34. 10 35.42 22.00
5.50 1.50 1.62½
May 8 14 June 15 1807 Aug 15 Sept 10 October
20. 75
38. 17.75 2.75 50.
100. 2.
$806.47½ Balance doe----------------------------------------------- 156.66½
$963. 14 Received on the above account an order for the balance of One Hundred and fifty Six Dollars and Sixty Six Cents payable in Lead at Saint Genevieve Which when paid will be in full up to this day. E Excepted Saint Genevieve Octb. 25 th 1807 A.A.RON ELIOTl'.
Louisville 28. Novr· 1807.
DEAR Sm I arrived here Tuesday after noon and to my great disappoint- ment found Mrs· Phelps had gone on the day before-Perhaps it is all for the best, at any rate it is my duty to believe so-They were comfortable and well and in a n.ew kind of Boat, in which I am to1d they can ascend the Mississippi. I hope it is true. Intend, early in next week, to return to Louisiana, by Land by way of the red Banks to Lust Ferry and so home. I think that I shall arrive be- fore them- Funk has not yet arrived tho~ daily expected-I have it in contemplation to purchase a negro wench about 15 years old, Mr· Hunter thinks I can get her for $300. YOU know there is no
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