• Richmond,
August the 24-1789. • How o:ft my Beloved Husband do we _form 'to our Selves the i:nost Agreeable Ideas. when in a moment our liopes are crushed and the higher we rise in Expectation the lo_wer we fall' in the Vexsation of Disappointment. I had Indulged ~ fond hope of haveing a· long letter from you on your-Arriva_l at Lynchburge and was not a little Disappointed when vVilliam _Informed me that you had only time lo write him- it afforded ·me Infinite Sat~isfactfon to hea.r of your Safe Arrival at the ferry- Sincerely hope you have reached ·the l\iines long ·before this-I have· risen this inorning with the early dawn and while the Contented Inhabitants of this lower world are Wrapt in peacefull Slumbers, and the grt.y tena11ts of tht air, Charit their Songs of praise-I shall amuse 'myself for an hour before Breakfast in Scribbling to my dear 'friend and Companion-.-the Cause of my Unusual early rising, ·was this. •,V'illinm and myself proposed last Evening going.to his father·s- he procured a. horse but unfortunately the poor beast was an utter Stranger to the.Harniss I was seated in the chase -· but he was so wild and Unruly that I was Obliged to spring ~mt-and I hurt my Ancle in the jump- I Cheerfully Submitted to tlie disappointment; • I shall now through down my pen, and refresh myself with a little Breackfast--.- • I meane the greatest part of this day shall be devoted to my dear l\t1oses-, for be assured I Receive more real pleasure in _Conversing on Paper with one so very neare to my heart, than I could gane from Society-I have had a vast deal'o:f Company since your Departure- all my friends have been m ci·owds to ~isit me. Mrs~·Flint has stade' with me more·than two weeks, and went home.last evening in: Con- sequence of my proposing to spe:hd .this.week in the County- In- deed I want ·a little excursion of this kind· -· :for ·what with Com- pany and·the present sise of ·my family haveing five or si~ men to find-has fatigued me Exceedingly. and Caused much grumbling
1 Original In possession of Mrs. Emmett L. PetTY,
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