The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

14 l


Cr. 180( ?] By Stnge Shoes and Hntts_______________________ $400. O By 12 Shoes sold at Mines______________________ · 36. O By sundres up to June 22 1805_________________________

436. 0

50. 15½

$'186.15½ 54.60 69.84 $610.65½ 212.25

By sundres up to July 3-1806-_______________________ By sundry Medicins up to,1 Sept 1800___________________

By sundres up to 18 Jan 1801---------------------,------- By sundres up June 29____________ ·---=------------------ By Seth Huntsx Account_______________________________

17. 46 41.91

$883.27½ 115. 22½ $998. 49 14. 0 $-1012.49½ 2. 0

By Moses Austin his Bill Medicine_________________,.___

By 50 Sq" grass overcharge_________________;___________

By difference Seth Hunts Account_____________________


BILL AND PRICE LIST Dr. :Moses Austin in A/C with Aaron Eliott To Sundries ns account rendered up to Sept 18()6______.____________ fi42. 31½ Sundry Medicine for 1\1 Austin as account redred up to September 1806 ·----------------------·--------------------------------- 69.84

To Sundries as Account redred from Sept 1806 up to June 29u, 1807__ To Sundry l\ledicin etc from Sept 1806 up to June 20t" 1807-ns account redred ---------------------------------------- ------------- --- To Sundries as pr account rendred from June to October 16 11 ' 1807____


115.22½ 6.

963. 9j

$963. 9½

1805 l\Iay 10 By 4 Chairs of Benj Crow______________________________ June 24 •· " 1 p• Morocco Shoes returned_________________________ Sept 13 " Cash receivd________ ________________________________ " 1 Table_________________ ·-------- .--------- •--------

5.00 3. 5.00


1806 Janry 20

By Cash for Jn° B Valle____________________________ 250. " .1 Coffee Pott__________ _______________________}__ " 1 Wash hand Basin__________________________ i__ " 1 ps Linnen 25 Yd" of Spencer @ $25 ____ _________ _ " 5 yd• Casimere @ 0°__________________________ 3 __ 2. 31. 25 15.

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