MosEs AusTIN's PosTAGE AccouNT
MosEs AusTIN ESQUIRE To the Post Office at St. Genevieve D'"· for postage of sundry Let- ters and news papers from July 1805 to September 30 th • 1807--- $21.50
Doct· Aaron Elliott 1805 To Moses Austin and Co Dr June 21
To 50 sq'· grass_________________________ $12. 50 3 1 11 White Lend_________________________ 1. 50 14. 0 1 Table________________________________________ 12. . O
Octbr. 4
To Carr-------------------------··-------------- 250.
2i6. 0
1806 FebY 6 March 20 June28
To Cash paid Charles______________ _______ $5. 01 " 1 Bqndana Handkf____________________ 1. 25 '~o Cash__________________________________ 43.91
50. 16
To 3 Handkfs_____-4_25___________ _____________ 4. '."'.5 To 474 111 • Shott______l2$_______________________ GG. 88 To Cnsh paid 17 June 1806______________________ 100. 0 To 322 Shott______l2$50________________________ 40.25 " 1 Kegg 2 Boxes 1 bng_______________________ 2. 75 " 200 Shott______l2.50 ------------------------ 25. 50 1 p'· Shoes returned______________________________ 3. 0 1 Coffee Pott 1 Wash dish________________________ 2. 1 ps linen_______________________________________ 31.25 To 5 yds Cassimere_______________________ JG. O 3½ 111 Nails_____________________________ J. :n ½ 1½ q' paper____________________________ . , ,, T o 33•• Bea...-er f u r s ______ lj:33.0 ____ _____________________ _ 83 Racoons do______ 20.iG ------------.,.------------- To Cash returned to Austin Elliott_____ -4_ o____________
July 12 FebY 14 28
597. 4
57. 75
Octb' To .76 Pounds Feathers________________________ 38. 0 To 2 Potts 1 Stew pan 1 Bake oven 142 12½----- 17. 75 55. 75
130. 56½
To our Order on James Austin 1000 pounds Shott____________________ 10$---- } 4 Boxes___________________________ 2$____
_ o
l0? 0
$829. 60½ Store Ilent----------------------------------------------------- 50 $879. 60 1 1 These flgurl:!s do not balance, but the lndlvldual lteme are accurately trnnscrll>ed. There ls some doubt about the arran,ement of totals.
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