The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 139 will pay him before he goes.- Mr J. Pratt, I was told was the only person in Town, who would pay Cash for Lead-I went to him with a view to sell him some, the most he would offer me was $4. here- said he has purchaced three Thousand at that-of course I said no more-This afternoon a Gentleman from St. Louis applied here to purchase. he wants from 20. to 25.000-I offered him 2.000 at $5 for Brother Daniel-I believe he will take it-and if he don,t supply himself here will come out to the mines. I shall direct him to you had you not best sell him enough to Pay Madm• Geronan or the French Woman you owe~ there can then be no question with her about the price If he has it in three weeks, twill be soon eno.ugh I have at last gotten a laconic Answyer to my Letters from Mr, Haines N. York 10 th" the Drft. accepted by the Mesgn, Austins, is accepted payable in N. York. they wrote me sometime ago that they were preparing to send me the Amount of it by Elias A. Eliott-I recd· a letter this day from John Jones, of Vincennes, Informing me Mr. Eliott had gone to N. Orleans with two boats laden with Lead and was bound on to N. York and had express orders to pay me-I ~hall keep it, till fall, if they do not discharge it by that time, I then shall send it to a friend in N. Orleans to collect for me-The Goods I had from you is not sold, when they are sold, I will send you the particulars, I could not sell them without too great a sacrifice and have let them lay."-I am a little surprised that Mr. Jones should have written him on the subject-It may embarrass Austin (If he arrives there in safety) very much. I also fear Haines does not tell me true, respect- ing my furnature-Months before I left home, I gave him express orders to sell it at auction, as it must be sold and unquestionably there wouJ.d be a loss-the sooner it was done the better, as the articles many of them would be injured by laying-besides I know he wanted the Money under Such circumstances, is it not unaccountable he should let them lay undi5iposed of. It can not be so, he must want to get into his hands all the Property he can, I shall them be obliged to take my leave of it. I trust and believe you will join with me, in en- deavoring to frustrate his Plans However dishonest he might show himself- in this Business, nothing should induce me to withhold from him one Cent of the Acceptance provided he would po.y me the Amount of sales of the furnature, which he origenally promised me. this I believe to be Just and right and I think you will coincide in Opinion T. PnELPS [Rubric] NB. Please to hand the enclosed to Mn. Austin- [Addressed :] Moses Austin Esqr· Merchant Mine a Burton By Mr. H. Eliott-

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