from office with as much abruptness as the decorums of such a meas- ure would justify; 1 and it appeared to me correct and proper, that your several friends; should be no longer known, as the partizans of their 'respective leaders. . 1'Tith respect to the disaffection of certain persons in your quarter of the Country, you must be ·very sensible-that I have no proofs. The conduct of Col 0 • S- has been before the Grand Jury-Against him there were stronger presumptions than against others, and yet nothing was established. V\Then a Public Agent proscribes a Citizen and declares him un- worthy of public trust the world _will expect to b~ told of what he has been guilty.- I have nothing but the surmises of [undecipher- able J enemies to offer.- • :Major Cook has been with me-He rec-riminates, tho' he knows nothing of your accusations-but permit me to assure you, that I entertain the same high opinions of your purity of character and conduct that I ever did- .. With respect to a Legionary Corps-I approve the idea, and should certainly be gratified by sanctioning such an arrangement- but it cannot at this time be carried into effect, It shall not be :for- gotten .Mr. James .Austin is so fully possessed of my feelings on these subjects that he will carry them to you more satisfactorily than I have now leisure to do- FREDERICK BATES [Addressed:] Moses Austin_Esquire :Mine a Burton, Ja. 1 • Austin Esquire
St Genevieve 28 Sept. 1807-
DEAR Sm We arrived here safe Friday 2 a.clock we found Doctr Eliotts Family much distress.ed on Account of their son A ustin,s situation- As he is removed from the Atmosphere of N. Orleans, I can,t but hope his life may yet be spared. I was much surprised, to find that the Load of lead, which I sent to you for (by P. :Martan) was sent to Charles Eliot, with directions to put with your Lead. I must depend on receiving the Lead, due me from You, to make good the Payments I have to make to Mr Spencer-and for the Hollow Ware. I find it impossible to get any Carts to go after Lead at Present as they have commenced getting in their Corn. I have ~ssured Mr, Spencer that I
s see AUBtiD to Wilkineon, Jul7 22, 1805, and Carr to Austl.D, Aug. 12, 1806. '
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