The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 137 bringing the Kegg of Shot to this place, and Ma.jr Hawkins requested me to inform you, that it shall (If possible) be conveyed from your works to his Hutt, I think the place is called New discovery. 1.1ajr Hawkins's Waggon wil~ bring you some Cart, or Waggon Boxes, the weight neither the price do I no at this time; as I have not removed to the works on the opposite side of the Creek DUFF CHADWELL ( ? ) for CHARLES LEE Brno [Addressed.] l\foses Austin Esquire Mine A. Burton District of St Genevieve_politeness Major Jno Hawkins


Frederick Bates, Secretary of the Territoryof Louisiana,ancl exercis- ing the Government thereof To all who shall see these presents greeting Whereas, by an act of the Congress of the United States, entitled 'An act further providing for the government of the district of Louisiana ' it is provided, that Oaths of office, (except by persons in the said act specially enumerated) shall be taken before such per- sons as the governor shall direct. Now therefore, reposing especial trust and confidence in the ability diligence and provident circum- spection of MOSES AUSTIN Esquire, I do empower him to ad- rninister Oaths to· support the constitution of the United States, and oaths of office, to any, and all persons, appointed to office, by the Governors of this territory, within and for the District of Saint Genevieve.- In testimony whereof I have hereunto affixed the seal of t't1e Terri- tory, and subscribed my name at Saint Louis, the eleventh day of September, In the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred ond seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the thirty second. FREDERICK BATES


St. Louis Sep 12 1807


I have delayed very long to answer your letter of the 2d of Aug,- neither do I know· at this moment, in what manner it should be answered. It is pretty generally agreed that you and Col 0 • Smith have been at the head of the two great parties, which have heretofore divided the district of St Genevieve.- Your opponent has been dismissed 25067°-24-voL 2, PT 1--10

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