The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPEltS. 135 I have been informed by a Gentleman from New London, thitt Miss Penniman's House was sold (about 3· week's since) for One thousand Dolls- If I can get that, I shall be able to get along very well, but· as I have not heard from Mr. Penniman ·on the Subject it is uncertain whether I shall get it or not, as I dont know that he has sold it for Cash- I shall not be able to get Betsey's things for her unless I get the i1oney- • I sent her Memorandum to her Brother-He wrote for it, and said she requested him to assist in getting them-. He will probably get part 0£ them- I have not heard from Stephen for some time- I intende_d going to see him soon after I came home, but have been so short of Cash, that I had none to spare to go anywhere from home- He intends entering Colledge this Fall- Mr. Beers told me when I first came home that Mr. Adams had called on him for 50 I)ollars, but he had no money in his hands- I [should] have given him an Hundred Dollars, if I had received that at New London- Elisha Austin is making arrangements to go on with us- Henry is daily expected.- I lmve not received a Line from you or any body in Louisianna (except Mr Phelps,) since I left it- I hope since the appointment

of a Governor, that all is peace and quietness Please remember us to Aunt, and all friends-

H. AusTIN [;Rubric] [Addressed:] :Moses Austin Esqr Mine a'Burton Upper Louisi- anna-Office at St· Genevieve


Augt 24 th [1807] I yesterday received your letter by Mr Ruggles-yours which you mention as having sent by Mail, aas not yet come to hand- I have not yet heard anything from Austin Elliot- I shall e::s:- pect him daily. -Aunt has not yet arrived here-- I hope to see her very soon. When Austin arrives 1 it will take but a short time for me to get ready to go on-I should have been ready before this time, if I had had anything to do with. I shall endeavour to procure the articles you mentioned-I think I shall be able to get them all, and shall have them [put up in] the best manner possible- I have written to Stephen this day, and requested him to write you immediately.-! have been cautious not to mention to anyone, (ex- cept Mr• A-Mra Richard, and her Son,) what my expectations are in

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