MY DEAR Sm: • St· Genevieve 17 Aug. 1807. It is now past the middle of August and definite arrangement is not made about my Families and Horace Austin etc coming on I feel anxious about it- They certainly ought to leave New Haven at farthest the 20. Octr. I have written them to that e:ffec~I have Proposed to have a Carriage and four Horses proceed to bring on all the women and Children and Horace Austin to Pittsburgh and to furnish Horace with $200 to pay their expenses, what Articles of Furnature etc which are to come on, to be sent to N. York to come with Austin Eliott to vVheling, which I think will be far preferable than going to Pittsburgh-I have also written them, you will meet those at Pittsg Procure Boats etc and meet Eliott at Wheeling this arrangement appears to me to be by far the most Preferable-never- theless, I wish to know whether it meets your approbation and whether you will on your part put it in execution and when you will probably go on yourself. I am told Mr. Spencer don't think Eliott will be able to return before next Spring-this would derange my plans and expectations very much as of course Mr. Spencer don't expect to be in N. York before late in the fall-. Therefore, if you really expect Elliott on this fall, had you not better get a [letter] f~·om Spencer to Mr. Corp and forward on immediately to Eliott- there is no probability of Spencers being there before they must come away, if they come before next Spring-I wish you would write me by the first Opportunity and send the necessary letters to be for- warded as you .must calculate at least 6 Weeks in their getting to N Haven, after they leave here.-I am glad to hear, by Judge Shrader, that the hay-making Business ended so well-only Exercise patience and forbareance for a little time and I have no doubt all things will work well in this Land of contention and discord- I was sorry to find you so little disposed to lend a [shel]tering hand to our proposed Academy·-I am sure the Judge must applied to you, when in .one of your Gloomy and desponding Moments-When you awake to the importance of such an Institution, to the welfare of this Territory and to .the young and rising generation, it will draw from you your wonted and liberal aide I should feel hurt not to see your name to that Su-bscription- I must confess I ex- pected more than $10. from our friend James Austin, I think whe 11 he reflects that he hns [a gro]wing Family, who will partake of the benefits arising from such an Institution; it will draw from him an additional Subscription-I feel deeply interested in having the thing
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