The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 131 carry that also into effect, I think-your days·in future, would pass in peace and quietness-that is, under all circumstances and in all situations do your duty and command yourself, if things work ever so contrary and perverse, dont give way to your Passions, but make the best of it-every thing can be effected by resolution-this mode of conduct is the most satisfying you may depend-I know by expe- rience-I write with the freedom of a friend, who feels a lively interest in your welfare-I ha,ve recd· no order from you for Mr. Perkins Lead, nor heard any thing before of one. Last Saturday ~fr. Burns presented one for 1000 lb. from Mr. Perkins, which was paid- I had also taken some from his parcels thank fortune there was enough left to pay Burns's order-therefore if Perkins dont call for what I have taken of his Lead, you may make yourself easy about paying me af present-We will attend to sending you a barrel of Salt as Soon as possible-Mr. Oliver and his Rib are snugly at house- keeping and appear happy and contented-I have no doubt will experience the great difference between a matrimonial life and his former mode of living-The papers you wish'd are inclosed-give my best respects to your Family etc-Friends here all [well] T. PHELPS. N. B. You have not yet given me your terms of rent-The Store and Cellar separately and the rest of the House- If my Brother has not already recd· the Lead due me from Mr- Pawley I wish you to tell him t(') get away immediately I understand there is an execution against him-


St. Genevieve 6. Augt. 1807

DEAR Sm liave you lost confidence in all your Friends1 You appear deter- mined not to correspond with any don't suffer yourselves to go into the other extreem, and distrust every one-I know, by experience, the great bulk of them, who make the warmest Professions, are totally destitute of sincerity, espetially if a Person happens to be unfortunate but still, there are some few, who merit confidence.- I should like to hear from you, I feel an interest in your welfare you may depend-I should like to lmow how you come on, when you calculate to go to Kentucky etc--From report it appears, Young Hammond, is in troubled water at the Mines, I hope he will have Prudence and resolution to ·extricate himself with honor.- If the reign of Terror at the Mines is to last, nothing would enduce me to live there, I a.m sure nothing like enjoyment is to be found there.-

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