The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



1802 Sept 27 for lOCO lb lend pr [undecipherable] to

st James-------------------------------------- 50. o 307. GO

1806 May 20 for 2 Caggs shott 103 lb___________________________ 10. 30 Supposu 1 D 0 D 0 51 ---------------------- 5. 10 3 DO D 0 120 ---------------------- 12. 0 6 D 0 D 0 307-! ---------------------- 30. 75 4 Boxes D0 1332 ______________________ 133. ?O 4 Boxes for D0 ---------------------- 4. O 12 Bags for D0 ---------------------- 3. O Supposd Mistake 1 Kegg shott 23G}________________ 23. 65 1 Kegg for D 0 ----------------------- 1. 0 June 24 for 1674 lb lead____________________________________ 83. 70 415 lb peltry__________________________________ 166. . o 17 Bear skins nmL_____________} 5 Ot I .• ------------- 54. 0 er s ~.us__________________ 50 lb peltry---------------------------------- 20. O Octr 4 for red skins 2/50___________________________________ 32. 50 13½ lb shewed as pr Rec:epl__________________________ 5. 40 1807 FebY 14 for 310 lb shott @ 12$------------------:----.-------- 37. 20

253. 0

1 kegg at village___________________________________ 2 Barrels pork at Cape____________________________ S1t1>posea Error 1 Barrell pork______________________ 30 lb Bacon______________________________________

1.00 30. 0 15. 0

3.81¼ 448.61¼

979. 21¼ Jnmes Austin -------------------------------------------- 49. 51


Moses Austin to Peter Muna:.· 1807

$16.50 $2. 0 4.10 G3. 0 75. 0 G7. 0 15G. 2;'.i 11. 4:S

47 ¼ Cnble --------------------------------------------------------- pn id l\l r Hnss eny _______ __________________________________ ________ _ Delivered L Lefona (? >------------------.-------------------------- Bill gooct _________________________________________________________ _ By 5 ps. Half Sliccts ( "!) ___________________________________________ B yy 321 2p5s 1 db oP oSrtkr _o_u_~_ _- _- _- _- -_ -_ -_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- _-

By paid John Giles ( '! j _________ ------------------------------------

By our Note Hand_________________________________________________ lj:827. 70 ~Ir· 'Menn.rd suppose there is a mistake o.f a Darrel Pork which he has not recd.

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