,viderman It is also understood and agreed that where as the ·said Concession has not recd the approbation and confirmation of the Board of commissioner agreeable to the Laws of the U States made and proYided for the adjusting of Lancl Claims in Louisiana It sha 11 be the Duty of the said J udather Kendle to obtain Decree of said BomYl and when such determination sliall be had, and the said concession of Land confirmed to the said Trams ViTiderman or his assigns that he the said Kendle shall make or cause to be made to them the said Sam' Hammond and Moses Austin a good and suffi- cient lVarmnt in fee simple for said Land on Condition always that the said Sam' Hammond and Moses Austin shall pay or cause to be paid and Deliverd to him the said Juclather Kendle in nine months two Negro 1'fon in full Hclth not to exceed Twenty five years of age and not under. fifteen and to be good Plantation negros and aquaintecl with common plantation Labours and not new import'd negroes that after the said Jutlather shall have made the Title within mention'd It is also clearly understood that the said Kendle sha11 not he bound to make good to the within nam'd Sam' Hammond and :Moses Ausbn any Damages that may Arise under this agreement should the said Concession o-f. Land be rejected by the board of Commis- sioners and under such circumstances the said Kendle sha11 not Demand the consideration herein mention'd of Two negroes nor is he to by any authority that he may hold by virtue of the Concession of said Witlerman on any other Claim he may have to said Land attempt to molest or disturb the said SH and iJf A in the enjoyment of said Land untill a final Determination can be had-at the snme time It is fully understood that whereas the said Kendle has made sale to Mr. John Conner of the same Tract of Land which contract altho nul and void by consent of parties yet as the objection given by the said Conner is now in the hands of J os Spinner that It shall always be in the power of the said Kendle to make an arrangement of said Contract in such a way as shall best answer his convenience but with this restriction that the said Land shall always remain in the ..•
Peter :Manar [Menard]
To Moses Austin an C 0
• Dr,
1800 Jnny 15 for 50 lb shott 6.00- -------------------------------------- $6. 00 1801 Sept 15 for 139 lb Coffee____________ 111. 20}G Fi h 25 60 3 - lb 140 40 eo. s er.__________ 1. for . o;I. . su~ar-- ,...,-~-- -,--~-.,.. . . • .
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