The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



MosEs AusTIN TO Punuc

[18061] 1


Where as I have been repeatedly Informed that John Smith T. has reported that he has a Concession for some thousand Acres of Land, which he is Authorized to locate on any land in this Territory and that the said John Smith T. has declar'd his Intention to In- clude my ~fine a Burton tract of Land with in his location- Now be it Known that I shall ·prosecute to the utmost Extent of the Law, all persons that Commit a Trespass on any part of my Land. Either by cuting timber marking trees or Diging Mineral. I also Declare to all and Every person now Diging Mineral on my Land by permission that I will protect them in the privileges I have promis'd them, Against John Smith T. or any man Acting under his Orders. Also against all and Every person what so Ever. and should the said John Smith T. make any attempt to molest or give any hindran-ce or to interfear in any wise with the people now Dig- ing on my Land Either by writing personal action or by agent. I will take on myself to Answer the consequen~e that may arise by treating said notice with silent neglect- I also think proper to notify the Public that I have a Patent right to Three Miles square of Land at the Mine a Burton and that said Title has been acknowl- edge Complete by the Go_vernment of the U States and as such trans- mited by the secretary of the Treasury of the U states to William C Carr Esq. Governmental Agent -for Land Claims (Endorsed.] Notice respecting Trespass on the Mine a Burton Tract Land- MEMORANDUJ\[ OF AGREE!\IENT (1806] 2 Memorandum of an Agreement. this Day executed and agreed upon Between J aduther Kendle of the first part and Sam 1 Hammond and Moses Austin of the second part. Witne.sseth. That whereas the said J aduther is now posses'd of a Concession of Land granted to Trams Widerman ~nd by him settl'd and cultivat'd situated at the mouth of the Joachim so Called containing four Hundred Acres more or less. which said tract of Land the said J aduther hath agreed and do by these presents agree to dispose of to the said Snm 1 Ham- mond and Moses Austin with all and singular the improv~ment ferrys and Landings both en 1'b.e ]Hississippi and Joachim bound'd agreeable to the Concession and Survey granted to the said Trams 1 I am unable to fix -the dnte with any certainty. It may be any time between 1806 and 1808. • Thia date might be anywhere from 1806 to 1811.

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