THE AUS'rIN :PAPERS. 5 ceeded on together with 20 men to San Antonio where he arrived on the 15 of !\:larch 1822 much fatigued and reduced in flesh. The Govr· recd· him with a cordial welcome and advised him (as a material change had taken place in the Political aspect of the country) to proceed on to the City of Monterrey where the Govr· Gen•· resided nnd if he could not get his business satisfactorily arranged to con- tinue on to l\.foxico and lay his business before Congress. He left San Antonio on the 20 th • March 1822 in company with an interpreter nnd Dr, Rob. Andrews nnd arrived in :Mexico on the 29 of April fol- lowing-immediately on his arrival he presented a memorial to Con- gress praying that the Grant made to his Father by the former Gov 7 erment might be confirmed after Spending nearly a Year in :Mexico attended with much labor and expence he sueceded in obtaining a complete confirmation of his Grant from Congress, and returned to San Antonio sometime in July after an Absence of 15 months and at n period when some of the most important events transpired in the :Mexican History. immediately after his arrival nt San Antonio he proceeded on to his Colony where he Found about 100 hundred fami- lies already Settled and commenced the organization of the Colony which he has nearly completed-the Goverment Commiss1oned him Lt Coronel and Supreme Judge of his Colony he Settled himself on the River Brazos where he now resides. July 1824. James E. B. Austin second son of 1.-Ioses Austin returned from Kentucky about the 1st of October 1821 and remained in 1:fissouri until December following when he left it and went on to join his brother in the Province of Texas, he remained nt the City of Su.n Antonio de Bexar until his brother returned from the City of :Mexico, he returned with him to the Colony where he remained until 1'1ay 1824 then returned to :Missouri to remove his :Mother and Sister to that Province-but the death of his :Mothar (who had died previous to his return and the marriage of his Sister with Mr. James Perry Compelled him to return to the Province without her-accordingly he left Herculanium :Missouri on the third day of November fol- lowing 1824. 2 James E. B. Austin Died in New Orleans on the 24 of August 1829 with the Yellow fever nfter 63 hours sickness. Stephen F. son of James E. B. Austin Died at Co 1 • Hills near Columbia Texas on the 2t1, of Febry 183'7. Gen 1• Stephen F. Austin Died at Judge ~fcl{instry near Columbia Texas on the 27 th December 1836 nnd was intered at Ju.mes F Perrys Peach Point place on the 29th aged forty three yeurs 1 month 24 days. Moses Austin departed this life 10 th • June 1821 in the 57 th • yea.r of his age at Hazel Run St Francis Cty :Missouri 1 Continued to tbls polnt by Stephen F. Austln. The remainder ot the recol'd was written b,Y Mr. and Mrs. James F. Pcl'l'y.
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