'THE "AUSTIN PAPEnS. 117' the Emigration, and Settlement on PubJ.ic,.Lands;:-Before ·I proceed· to an explanation of the situation of the-Inhabitants of·this Terri-: tory, -: In consequence·of the pres_ent 1 Laws•of Congress,,allow me to gi\e you a summary statement of :the; conduct:, of·the -Spanish Com-· mandants of ·this part of Louisiana-:........iit is Notoriously ·kno.wn, that for·Years before the change o( Government,,,the:.Comrhandants,,re-, fus'd to give Concessions for.Larids except·on ·some-particular Occa- sions, but at the same time,;suffrld the Emigration -to,continue and· gave verbal-permissions to -settlers,,1to 'establish themselves•on,any Lands not in the .possession of ·others,~But no sooner was it:lmown, that the Pro, 1 ince of Louisiana :was·sold to -the·lJnited States, than a general and fraudulent Sale·of Lands took-plac~..A'. 'Land·Office was opened at Cape Gererdeau-The Agents·of the·Lieut•.Govr.;.in every· part of the upper country, made use.of·every possible exertion, to make the Sale of Larids Productiv~ •-·Concessions for any·quantity of Land were· daily granted bearing date in 1-7-99.or ,furtI,er back if· the claiments demancled, the·number.of,Acres Granted' :was govern'd. by the sum paid it is not:necessary'to say to w~atJ extent, this Specu- lation has been carried on- The Agei1t of the United,States for Land'. claims, will it.-is·probable make a•report to the proper Department;, oni this :subject--:- ...Jt..is I presume to correct this Speculation,:that Congress·has-made the Law appointing Commissioners, to ·exaniine,the .Land ·claims 'in .this·:Ter-· ritory and not as many ·suppose;·to destroy tlu~::WelJ founded 'claims, of the Citizens--.:- . I ·have considered ·the ·Commissioners as a Court ·or board of ex., amiriers, to enquire·into the· miture of the claims ·of the ·Inhabitants, and make a true: and full report thereon; ·thnt our Government may know the situation··and extent of the claims,. Such a report might: have given Congress nn opportunity. to make such other and further. Laws· as are necessary to cover and ,serve ·the :actual ,Settler, and discard the Speculator·-· But ·from the high ,_n.nd in my opinion impro~r interference of Govr; -"Wilkinson are.in a·measure·clefeated That you may have a full lmowledge ·of. this •part- of our Govr· con- duct, I inclose you his Proclamation and orders to' the,Surveyor Gen 1 • Ant 0 • Soulard rais'd to that office by Govf ·vVilkinson, -The conse-, quences produced ·by the Orders of :vVilkinson- i.·especting the survey- ing of Lands, were truly distressing; this step1procluced the greatest consternation among the people The time far advanced for return- ing Claims, and not a Plat o:c claini, would be ,receiv'd, ·by the ;Re- corder Donaldson, unless· first..certify1d by 'Soulard, as being Sur- 1 vey'd under the Order·of Wilkinson; riot withstanding Deputies were sent out to Survey the Claims ·of the People,: not ,.niore than two.
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