The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1


ready to meet you .l\nd_-ju;;tify.all I have said but ut the same time, I hold it proper for all men to do Justice towards each other and in Doin" so a. man cannot do himself a dishonor. If you can convince ~ • . I • 'me that-I have.said 'a' word.aliout·you which I am·not Jt1stified in ·sn.ying-I shall· in ·that·_case orily make··~uch repera_tion as is.proper ·for n Gent}m, to mnke I [Endorsed :r<:::opj'.to!John' Smith

WILL C. CARR TO !rfos:E\s, AusTiN

.,S\ L~uis 12~: August 1806

Sm··· . '

. . . Your several "favors have beeri:dtily' 1;eceived: in answer to the first 'I have to infarm you that the·repods o:f the indians, being embodied to do .nny..chnia'ge· either at th1s .pia~e' .o~· any where else withi_n the t~r'ritorf is. ~he ~ere id~e.:_sug~fstio"n.-··o'f .ti1nicI mi~cls or desi_gning knaves: It ·1s the ~hallow pretext of those who w1Sh, the residence ·of the·. milita1ry a!tiongit h~. ·-· and ·as '. in the reality there is not the l-'Xistartce qf ev~n ·ui.e seinblance':of : d~nger to warrant tf1e report so I trust the'wish of 'those :who w·ish the enca~pment of a great ·many } . ' . . ' . troop!:dn·our'agitated territory may be·enti1;ely blasted·- ' Y0"4-r conduct towai:ds Smith' sc> fa1/ ns I have· any kn~wledge of 'it;·meets··µiy_··entir~ 'a:ppr6bati"6i}:•·:_But Y~u·:cei-tainly are disposed to -~ompliment nfe·,).ly the.submission'. 6f 'yo'ur conduct to my judgment- :Yoii'r age as 1 well'as y6U:r 'falents 1 'and ·expe~ience doubtless warrant me in'say1ng 1 the ieverse of this" ~vould the most proper- Hut' if the suggestiori:of iny ideas in ·iuiy -case or 'in any situation can be·~f any you,·they 1 shall always flow free as air, and warm -from 'the· dictates 1 of frientl~hip-· l . • • • , ' • •I approbate you~ answer to Smith and hope·you will continue to pursue·to"o/~rds him a line of condu.ct, firm yet moderate-·. If I may 'once ·be' p~rinitted tc/ metitlon to you one trait _in.your charnc_ter that may ,be ·a~~ndeff;' it is"y~tl·l~ temper:.'- 1 :X go I riot mention this as being n prominent feature ~ri any pai·t of your late ·conduct either towards Sinith or' others.2.::far' from it-. Your conduct has been cool, dis- j>':issiona.te· arrd Prudent.'· But.I only ~ention it&:; y~·u ~s your weak side and on·which'fr i(so _:r;iecessary ·to arm _you~self in',your treat- ment to J: ohn Smith: 1 B e'ware 'of' that marii ' He • is the spirit of factio'n 1 ~1id exists' 1 only ·ih. the.-element of discord!. Give such rpen tether enough and they will hang themselves. .. ~ndeavour to act cnly on the defensive. and suffer the Law to deii.l 'with him- For with this ·you' will find·men·of this .discfriptibrt of~n enough coming into contact.'-L -At· the 'Same ·tim~ it"will not be necessary' fo~ me toi!rnention;to.ybu;!those 'lengths·to w~ich a man'. of chn.rncter ought td proceed, (overleaping the ·line of defensive··conduct)" to ·maintain

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