M. Bryans on Hazel Run; in a few days the cold terminated in an inflemation on the lungs and after lingering in much pain for 10 days which he bore with Christian fortitude, he·resigned his Soul to hi~ :Maker without a groan on the 10 th • of June 1821 in the 57 year of his age. Stephen Fuller Austin son of Moses Austin left the Territory of Arkensas in 1820 and clecended to New Orleans where he remained until his Father returned from St. Antonio--he then proceeded to Natchitoches to meet his Father and Share with the dangers and fatigues of the enterprize he was about commencing in the Province of Texas. 1''hen be arrived a.t Natchitoches he met the Commission- e:rs (Don Erasmo Seguin and Don Juan Beri.mendi) dispatched by the Government of New Spain with a confirmation of the grant and orders to conduct Moses Austin to the District allotted to him to form his Colony.·-but receiYing intelligence of the sudden death of his Father he proceeded on to San Antonio in company with the commissioners and 16 Americans who attended him on the e:xpedi- tion--on his arrival at San Antonio he was immediately acknowledged as the legal heir and representative of his Father Moses Austin, by Don Antonio :Martinez then Govr- and Political Chief of that Prov• ince and fully empowered to carry into effect the original clisign of his Father. Accordingly he left San Antonio with his party of Americans and proceeded to explore the Country and Select the part he might deem most desirable to form his Colony-after having Explored the Coun- try bordering on the sea or Gulph of Mexico from the Bay of Mata- gorda to the Colorado and Brazos Rivers, he selected the Country lying on and between those two rivers extending from the San An- tonio road leading to Nacogdoches down to the Sea as the most desire- able for the formation of a flourishing Colony. He then returned to the United Sts. to complete his enterprize and introduce the num- ber of families Stipulated, he proceeded to New Orleans and by the assistance of a Friend he fitted out a Schooner (called the Lively) and embarked on board of her 18 men with provisions, arms, amuni- tion, and farming tools with directions to proceed to the Mouth of the Colorado and ascend that river untill a suitable place offered where they were to plant corn, erect a Stockade, and put up dwelling houses etc. The Lively left N. Orleans about the 20 th • of November 1821 and s·tephen F. Austin left there the day after by land to meet her at the :Mouth of the Colorado. In Natchitoches he collected a party of 10 men to accompany him and proceed through the wilderness to the Mouth of the Colorado where he arrived sometime in the J\1onth of January-after waiting nearly 3 weeks at that place and vicinity subsisting on catfish and wild onions-without bread or salt he dis• paired of meeting his Vessel and ascended the river to the la Bahia Crossing-there he met his Brother Jas- E B Austin and they pro-
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