The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1


1806 March 8 To nssd to Mathew,;Mullins11_·1,, __ ·_. ·. ,•--··.., .• •,_ '.' 17 ," 1 Curry Conib:·,._ ··-·--·--: ··-'."''.J.l:_t_ll'I<'_•_' • 20 "1i Cottoµ:SP;ipe·.-+.:·.:'-.- · ;' 1 : : ., .• 1 __ ._; -1.d.+, , " . " 2 Skeins Thread_______________________________ ' ... " ½ yd B'rown Linen------------------·-----·---- , · , ' I • f.'. • • I t ' 24 " 1 Carrot Tobacco____________._:..:.____.________• __ 27 " pd Madam Deucelle___:__-:_______________________ " " ½ Pint Whis~e.y:._•::~,..-..:__..;__.:.___ ;:._..;..i-r- ·- -L___._!_ __ 80 "½ Pint Do_____________________________________


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. 38 133.76


·And :Henry Esqr

• I have this _moment·bee1f Called on'by .Colo'Sniyth':to· give up· s. three pounde~ in my possession and as··r ·hafe bee1{tolcl ii~~t ·niy House 'is to be jfo"rced to take it from me l pray yoif :to make ~se ·of your Authority as a piece officer and I demand that protectio~_,the Laws of my Coµntry give me- . . .[M. Austin.] [Endorsed:] Memorandum :Copji letter to A:·Henry·July·4,_QG;

J\fosEs Aus':['IN: .~o, A~oREw ,HENRY

]riine a Burton July 4 th 1806

DEAR gr.

Your Note is rec'd by little John. This is not a moment tQ speek of reason since reason npJ?earsr~fot ~ope the Order o~ the:,Day. You say that the Officers qf the Battalion _are_detei;min'~._to take,t,1~ piece of Ordenance by force_JJnless Other wise giv.en ,Up 1 I,hn.v~ qeen iri possession.o.f}hi~ peice'of._Ordenan~-~ fiv~ ye~rs: .I~:wa~ b·rough(t9 this place at my Expence. 1 ~t my expe_nce.put _in Order; ,I .~m :Acj ~ountable for the peice when called 19.n by proper Authority: I no.w ask you by wh?t .A~~hority ·the office1;s O! this place call qn me tq give it up • they may as well demand any, ,par.Lo£ i;ny p\·operty. ~s tne Cannon a.nd say I insult ~he~ ~y :q~t.not-g~ving it up to them. I have commemorated this Day Twenty_.~e~rs and many times at my ;House. .pray Sr Js ~t. jl) .~his I have insult'd them If an In- sult has been given they ar:e tlie men that ~)ave give., the 1 1Insult I am always dispos'd to meet my fellow men on friendly terms to arrange misunderstandings with temper and reas0n·but Mr Henry do you Expect I am to be forced into·measures:·No:Sl'.':Tno:w tell'fou that If my House is fqrced by a,rmed men so be It, I · can , only •staind· on the Defensive. ;. ):ou are pleas'd to say you are this Day A Soldier but doth that take from you your Authority as·.a peace officer; . I think not an~·

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