THE A USTIN PAPERS. 107 port them or witnesses to disprove what bas already been, (in m:r, opinion ili several occasions) erroneously established. The Commra. discover much anxiety to know whether ·you intend to have your title passed before them or not and from their sug- gestions they think it is not a complete title. ·On this s~bject you need not be uneasy, _as I very well know you will not. you shall hear from me again on this subject if time and opportunity permit. I am exceedingly anxious about the collection·of testimony which ~ am ordered to make, touching the title of the lead mines- I have not received suoh satisfactory information as to the title to Mine Lamotte as I wished and expected- It appears that the claimants have acted very, unwisely on this subject, for they have not had any of the old French grants given in 61.2 3 and 4 re<:orded; but Lassus' grant of 2 leagues under which I suspect they will find it difficult to hold such property. I wish to God you would make me a statement of the probable amount of lend made at Mine a. Breton and old :Mines for the year of 1804 and 5. I shall see you again I suppose be- fore you start down the river.· • • The Comr•. finished their sessions here yesterday and took their departure for St Louis .to celebrate the 4 th of July- I shall leave this tomorrow I expect and it is not unlikely that I shall be at the Mines again e'er long. w ILL C. CARR. ' How ·do. your charming guests t are they speedily recruiting t Do they often visit the Hop \Valk~ etc etc etc My respects will be borne them I trust by you, as also to Mrs Austin-Mr. and Mrs. Penniman. W. C. C.
Charles McDormitt
To Moses Austin, Dr.
July 20 To Amount from Old AccounL.------------------.------- $41. M ,,. To ½ Pint Whiskey________________________________ . 20 22 To ½ d 0 d• • _____.:,:____________________~--~~- •: 20 August 7 To 1 C a r r o t t T o b a c c o ______________________ .:_ ______ 1. oo- 20 TQ 2½ yds Brown Linen---------------~---------- . S. 12.i $4. 521 28 To 6¼ lbs Pork Mro Cooper___________________ . 94 Sept• 2.To 1 doz B,.ttons------------------------------,---- • 50
8 To 3 Pints Whiskey____________:__________________ ~ . 1, 14 . '" To Paid James Rogers_____________.,._,.._____________ .. 5. 08
fl. 58
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