THE: AUSTIN PAPERS: 1:05 Some keggs Ci1t·Nails ·for ,Joint ShingJe~r •and•·others for ·lathing of the Smallest.kind they ought not to exceed 15 Cents •per lb· - • 2.Demy ·Johns linie Juice.......i 100 lb.Allspice- : 100 lb peper.- 500 lb Steel : 1 Barrel Rice _besides .ti1e Provision· for boats
1VILLL\M'. c ~ Gfo.Rn .TO, l\'fosES AUSTIN 1• -
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. , i ~~. ~C~r':"~~ye .qu,~d~y; •~l9~·1~~ng· 28l~. . Ju~c ),,806 DR Sm r arrived here :On .tuesday evepjng; ·be,fo~·~..which ma,ny of the.large concessions _in th,is i~istr~ct pad:undcrg<;>pq.~-partial inves- tig.ation before the honprable board, Ho.1V_ever l .a,r,i:ived,time enough to have my .eyes ~l~ssec~.:'f~th .~ sight pf .J,=>r.t~ttes, min~ concession; and his sons, .Cnn,iille Lassu.~' 1 on fi~t .~iver, . ;Masons at .l\iine ,au, Breton etc. e,;ery on~ o,f. w hic11 i i,mn~~cli~tcly , on,. sight :of : them, -1 chal.ienged as, anti dq,ted. 1 'l;'h~~; was. tb,e 1 :t~c~i:q.; of -~l~rni; ,and every, day .we ha,ve had more.· or less .spa.rrir,,q, .on this subiect. .bv;:..the ·armv, of anti daters • 11 • t l . •.• ,•, ,ve have had 9. Lal:jl:jll~, t,itle be,fqr~ . w~ ,two ;Or three times, and :L have proved J:?y Mackleµ ..that· .his. s,urr ey is anti:clnted 1 from .&boufl August 1802,: the time _whei~ it.:was ,nctually ,macle .to.:the:yef\r; 1800 at which ,,time the .ii't, .So.ul.~~·d,. . wns ·1~ncle. 1 -M~i l\<Iadclin in giving in,hi~·testimpny·(or :q1,ther.a.fter we-had for .-that· time closed it) was S,O eage1~ tp, serve. the u., S :with evidence: that,. ,he, produced one of-y.oui.·.letters t.o him .9t~ F~bruary ·1so2, on; the subject <;>f Camille sur-yeying th~ .1'1:ine on_;fla.t ·1'.iver-..'~ Stating your surprise" at h~s attempts to acq~ire the l~nd~ (h.e ~fr,C..), kndw- ing the pretensions·you had· t,hri;cto: ;.Al tho.a .c~rtjficate which· yo.ti., mention as having be~n give:r:i .by ,~{r .~Iacidin· npd. now,, lodged at· Orleans,.and which upon interrogation.he,~vent,to :the •pbi'nt of the Vacancy of·the land He. sai~, he·also·;s.upposed,,yoti, had ohJ tained a fro:rn F,r~ncois V~lJ~e. iFurth~r.,thn.t,you .were in daily e:x:pect~tions ~~ ,hearing fron;i ,.Qrleans, on~the •stibject"Of your· .app~ication (~ suppose). 'J;']1is,letter,..,a:l .tho :appnreritly'. ·pr.ochiced · to _benefit the U S in :pr.ovjng the· date of G's Slll'Vey, were. 11e,terohe--: less p~oduced to injure yqu; by _she,ying,in the first place,your ·inJ tention to defraud Luzierre out,o:f the lnnd1or :to•prevent,hini. fro1ri obtaining it; or second)y to manifest you.r .d,isposition • n11d desii:e ,of obtaining concessions,, which :must, J1ave 1beei11•a:ntidated; and ·;also· . . \ ; . , : . . . &·Original In possession ot Mrs. Emmett L. Perry. 25067°-24-VOL 2, PT 1--8
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