THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 103 He'd t_heir note o_f the above d_at~, for One thousand, fom; 4undre<l: twenty three dollars, and thirty·cents,·which when ·paid will ·be in rull, 'for.the 'within'Invoice of Merchandiz~ . $1 1 423,-90" .- !; FALCONER: a~~·C9MEGYsi [Rub;i~] • '[Endorsed]: Falconer 'an~ Comegys": Bill goods I' Entered m blotte1:, July 17_i80'6 ,.·_Entered i~ :Invoice ·Book Page 31 • •
Territory of Lpuisiana } District of St Genevieve ,
This sixth day of February one thousand Eight hundred and six this.certifies that Moses Austin is. authorized. to vend merchandize in this district one year from the-present date having this day ,paid me Henry Dodge Sheriff •of the district of .St, :Genevieve fifteen Dollai:-s it being the._anua1-tax imposed on the iretailers:of Merchan- dize by a law of this territory. . .H Dodge Sheriff of the district of St Genevieve
••Srn •You will·please to embark on Board the flat ·boat linder the Care of Mr•Alexis Panna bound to New Orleans laderi with Nine Iuindred bars •of lead and •some ·; . •. Piece.s •makeing to'gether i.16000 lb. the Batteau that [I inte]nd to·send after·-you under the Care· of Mr Francois :Menard ·a young -mail ·who ·can be of 1 Great Service to you 'in Orleans from his being acquainted with nearly all the Merchants that you may wish to call on for the Articles you want to send up in the Batteau. :Mr Menard is a Careful Sober man and Possesses a high sence of H?I?,or. will never_neglect any Charge committted to him. :: Can assist you in ·Settling with the men and in engaging any that you may want at Orle_ans--As well make some enquiry for the Persons you will be in search ·of in Orleans, Viz Arequoitte, L~· Doucour''and othei;s, I ~ake S~l.~~ ,of .all the lead should it bring 7 Cents per lb and employ 'the Proceeds to the Pu:rchase· of the Return ·Cargo._..', if the Blocncling Decrees should be in force you must ,'make the best sale or J?nrter of _the load in your Power Contract with some person for your lead and let'.them supply yo{i with •the articles you .want If nothing else will do Deposit a quantity of lead as Security for anythii1g you bring up and fix the Price of lead if no~ sold '\Ve ~ill hold ourselves
• Orlclno.l In poaaesalon of Mrs. Emmett L. Perr7.
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